Coming Home

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Hey, Readers! Three day weekend, which means more than one update a day!!!!! YAY!!!!! I feel so attached to this story because it's based on something I love! During the process of this story, I realized something : I CAN'T WRITE NON-FICTION!!!! I've decided to only only do fantasies and fan fictions! If you guys want something non-fiction, your with the wrong author XD! Anyhoo, here's Chapter 13, ENJOY!!!!!!!!!! >.>   <.<  ^.^


Natsu P.O.V

After reading that letter, everything was now becoming more clear. Lisanna told me that she wanted to visit Lucy to see if she was 'better'. My anger was boiling hot. When I finally reached the infirmary once again, I see Levy sleeping on the floor and Gajeel standing above her. He places a blanket on her, and gives me a "shush" face. I nodded and quietly left the infirmary and into the Fairy Tail main hall. I looked to see everyone still frantic about finding Lucy. I see Ezra and the others sitting at a table, talking about Lucy. I run over to them and announced, "I know where Lucy is!"

That got everyone's attention. "You mean you found her!" Ezra exclaimed.

I shook my head. "I know where she's heading, though."

"Where?!" Gray asked.

"Hinamizawa. Her birth home." I told them. They all a shocked look on their face. "Why would she want to go to Hinamizawa in her condition! She isn't fully healed!" Wendy exclaimed.

"She didn't go by choice. She was forced to." I hissed. I threw the note on the table, and everyone read it. One by one, their faces shifted to anger.  Gray was so angry I could feel a cold wind coming from him. "That bitch!" Gray yelled.

"How dare she mess with our friend!" Ezra growled.

"I know you guys are angry, but I think we should put Lisanna aside. For now." I advised.

"Why! We should go to her and beat her dead!" Wendy yelled, which was weird for those words to come out of her mouth.

"I think that Lucy should be our main subject." Juvia said silently. We all nodded and thought of a plan. It took us a while, but we finally thought of one. "How about Natsu goes and follow Lucy to Hinamizawa!" Wendy suggested.

My face blushed a deep shade of red, which is something that hasn't happened in such a  long time. "W-W-Why me!" I exclaimed.

"Because you owe her an explanation." Gray said.

"And forgiveness." Ezra added. I looked down and began to feel that sick feeling of guilt again. I groaned and thought, Will she even forgive me?

Wendy suddenly tugged on my scarf. I looked down to see that she's smiling. "I know you did something bad, but she'll still forgive you."

"How do you know?" I asked her.

"Because she loves you." She smiled. My heart began to beat fast. Did she really still love me? "Well, I guess I'm going to follow her." I gave in. Everyone cheered, hugging me and thanking me. "But what are going to do about Lisanna?" Juvia asked.

That was a really hard question. "Until I come back with Lucy, act as if nothing happened." I suggested.

"That's impossible! After what she did to you and Lucy!" Ezra exclaimed.

"I know, I know! But just until I come back, then we'll confront her. Hinamizawa is only a day travel, and because of Lucy's injuries, she couldn't have gotten far within a hour." I told them. They hesitated, but they finally agreed to do it. I nodded and just when I was about to leave, Wendy called out my name. "Natsu!"

A Dragon's Burning Love [ Fairy Tail NaLu Fan Fiction &lt;3 &lt;3]Where stories live. Discover now