The Final God

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Hey Readers!!! I've decided that my goal is gonna beat least 5,000 views!!! That's the minimum I want. So please, tell everyone about this story!!!!!!!  Anyhoo, heres Chapter 22, ENJOY!!!!!!! <3 <3 <3


Lucy P.O.V.

When I woke up, there wasn't a sun in the sky. There weren't any giant , fluffy white clouds the size of bunnies, or butterflies, or even a giant blob. It was all just...grey. I looked around to see thatI was back in the infirmary. I looked at the chair and realized that Natsu wasn't there. Where is he? I thought in my head. But then the memory began to flood back in my head. 

Natsu had tried to kill me.

I grabbed my chest and squeezed it as the pain began to fill my heart. I remember his eyes. His malicious, angry eyes. He literally wanted to kill me. "Natsu." I whispered. "What on earth happened." 

Then, the door swung open, and I saw Master walking through the door. "Ah, so you're awake." He said.

I nodded silently. " I just woke up."

Master sighed and jumped on my bed. "I can't believe it. Why on earth would Natsu try to kill you?" 

"He didn't do it on purpose." I defended. "He was under control by someone."

"He's been under control before, but he would snap out of it instantly. Who ever did this must be powerful." He said with a grim face.

I nodded and looked outside. I see something small falling from the sky. It was beautiful white snow. The first of the year. "Beautiful, isn't it." I whispered.

Master looked as well and noddeed. "Snow symbolizes individual beauty." After that lesson, it was quiet. Very quiet. Master soon coughed and said, "I better let you rest up." 

He left my room, not saying another word. As I stared outside at the snow, I walked up to it and opened it. I stuck my head out the window and looked up. Snow flakes slowly fell down from the grey skys, almost like tears. "Wow." I whispered. I suddenly felt my eyes sting with tears. I cried outloud, missing Natsu's warm body. But soon, it was replaced with anger. "ARE YOU HAPPY?" I screamed at the sky, not knowing why. "ARE YOU HAPPY I"M LIKE THIS!" I could've continued like this forever. But I just slowly fell to the ground, crying my eyes out. I punched the wall, just like what Natsu would've done. Suddenly, I felt a presence from behind me. I suddenly saw a soldier behind me with a blue and red uniform, staring at me emotionless. I backed away in fear until my back touched the wall. "W-Who are you?" I asked.

"I am the God of Anger. But you may call me Ares." He said. At first, I was confused, but then I remebered the Six Gods. How could I forget about them, I thought, acting ridiculous. "A-A-Are going to try to kill me?" I asked.

He shook his head. "Normally, I would. But I am past all the anger between you Dragon Slayers."

"Oh. Then why are you hear?" I asked.

"Because I am here to show you something." He touched my shoulder, and we were suddenly transported from the infirmary. In a blink of an eye, I suddenly felt a cold rush blowing all over my body. We were outside, but it was dead at night. Snow was piled up up to my shins, and I was beginning to loose all feeling. "W-W-What are we doing here?" I shivered.

"This," He said, "is the battle field." I looked over to gasp a little. I saw instead of a sheet of white snow, I saw red. Only red. I could see trees on fire, the earth cracked, and the smell of death burned through my nose. "Oh God." I whispered.

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