Battle of All Ages

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Hey, Readers!!!!! I'm just telling you now, there may be a sequel to this story, I'm just not sure if I should :P.  But I love how I'm getting more and more views!!!! Each chapter I post, I get over 200 views in just an hour!!! I'm glad people are loving this story! Anyhoo, here's Chapter 23,ENJOY!!!!!! <3 :) 


Lucy P.O.V

As we walked up the field, getting ready for the battle, I was able to see our openants. Thee, over the horizon, were....creatures. Demons, more like. They all looked gruesome, each posing like a hybrid of two animals. I could see the Devil marching in the front, along with Natsu by his side. My heart ached a little, but I knew now wasn't the time to cry.

It was time to fight.

"Dragon Slayers! It's not too late to quit now and surrender your lives!" The Devil called out.

"Heh. Yeah right!" Gajeel yelled.

"Suit yourself." The Devil smirked. He raised one hand, and the demons got ready. Some brought out they're spikes, some blazed into fire, and some revealed their bloody wings. We got on our mark, ready to charge.

The Devil lowered his hand.

And the demons charged.

And so did we.

We ran as fast as we could, our magic building up. "For Fairy Tail!" I screamed.

"FOR FAIRY TAIL!" The others yelled.

And that's when the battle began.

Natsu P.O.V

I could hear the demons screetching as the Dragon Slayers began to fight. I could see the Air Dragon Slayer blowing most of the demons into oblivian. The Iron Dragon Slayer was just knocking them out with his Iron Magic. "NOW THIS IS FUN!" was what he yelled.

And then then there was her.

Lucy Heartfilia, the Water Dragon Slayer. She was using all her power to get through the crowd of demons, as if she was trying to reach her destination. Her blonde hair was running wild as she ran from one direction to another. Her face was surprisingly calm.

She showed no emotion.

I don't know why, but I was hypnotized by her presence. I could sense my master staring at me as I was staring at her. "Natsu?" He asked.

"Huh? Oh! Yes master." I said, realizing how I was easily getting distracted.

"Are you getting distracted?" He asked, glaring at me.

"No! Of course not!" I exclaimed, trying to sound convincing.

"Just remember your mission." He said silently.

"Yes, master." I said, trying not to sound nervous.

But did I really want to kill her?

Lucy P.O.V

I looked back  to see everyone trying their best. Even the Exceeds were trying as they fought the smaller demons. 

As for me, I was struggling.

I didn't show it, but I was literally falling behind. I only had one motive and one motive only : 

To save Natsu.

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