God of Betrayal

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Hey, Readers!!!! I'd like to thank all my readers who have been supporting me to keep on writing!  You guys are the reason why I have the energy to keep on writing (Or in this case, typing)!!!!!! Thank you very much!!!!!!!! Anyhoo, here's Chapter 11, Enjoy!!!!!!! >.<  >.>  <.<  :)


Lucy P.O.V

I know I wasn't in the best position right now, but he couldn't possibly be thinking that I'm cheating on him! His eyes were filled with so much emotions : Anger, confusion, and shock. "Natsu, I know this may look bad." I said, trying to calm him down.

"I can't belive you would do this!" He yelled.

"I told you, Natsu." Lisanna said.

"Stay out of this!" I screamed.

"Um, Atsuko? Who is this?" Isamu-niichan asked.

"Oh, so you told him everything!" Natsu kept on screaming.

"It's not what you-" I tried to tell him, but a sudden pain was struck on my face. It took me a while to realize what had just happened. Natsu just slapped me. I touched my cheek to feel a shaprt sting. "You.....slapped me." I whispered.

"As of now, we're done." He said angrily. A sudden struck of pain hit my heart. Not just a few hours, we acted like a bunch of romantic fools. Now, we were a disfuntional broken up couple. "How dare you hurt Atsuko!" Isamu yelled.

"Stop calling her that like you know her!" Natsu yelled, pushing Oni-chan.

"Natsu, you can calm down a little." Lisanna said quietly, holding Natsu's hand. "I know what Lucy did was terrible, but I want you to know something."

"What!" He growled. Suddenly, Lisanna kissed him passionatley. I looked with at them with hurt eyes. Please pull away. Please pull away. I thought.  Instead, he did the complete opposite.

He kissed her back. Their kiss was intense, powerful, and full of emotion. Lisanna opens one eye and catched my eye. She smiles.

"Natsu.." I whispered. I fell to the ground, not able to bear this any longer. "Atsuko!" Isamu exclaimed.

Suddenly, I couldn't see anymore. Instead of seeing my true love kissing another woman, I began to see a man running our direction. What is this? I thought to myself. The man wore a black cape and black trousers. He had scratches all over his face and arms. I looked at his waist to see weapons of all kinds all around him. Is he...an assassin? I asked myself. Suddenly, I remembered something so obvious that I should've known right away. 

He was a god.

God of Betrayal.

My vision returned, seeing Natsu and Lisanna still kissing, and my brother was still at my side. "Lisanna! Isamu-nii! Run!" I screamed. Everyone's eyes were on me, wondering if I were crazy. "What are you talking about, Atsuko?" Isamu asked me.

"Don't try to trick us!" Lisanna hissed. Natsu didn't say a word. I groaned and closed my eyes. The God of Betrayal was almost here! I stood up and began to ran the direction the god was coming. "Atsuko! Where are you going!" Isamu asked.

"I'm going to fight!" I yelled back. I ran into the thick woods, not sure exactly where I was going. I stopped and tried to listen for his footsteps. Suddenly, I felt a jab on the back. I fell to the ground and began to cough up blood. I look back to see him in front of me. The God of Betrayal.

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