Love Forever

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Hey, Readers!!!! Sadly, we've reached the last chapter of A Dragon's Burning Love. :'( :'( :'( But I have some fantastic news : SEQUEL WILL BE MADE!!!! YAY! MORE NALU! But you'll have to be patient with the release. I've been thinking over the plot, and I'm almost done with it! I've decided to make this a trilogy, which will be fun!!!!! Anyhoo, here is Chapter 26,  the final chapter :'(. ENJOY!!!!!! :D


Lucy P.O.V

  After last night, I decided to do the one thing Natsu would love : his first breakfast! I woke up bright and early and began to make some of his favorite foods : pepper omlet, hashbrowns with green peppers (Ew, I know.), and a berry smoothie. I silently set them on the table, and was about to wake up Natsu when I realized that he wasn't in bed. Confused, I look around my apartment, but still couldn't find him. "Where is he?" I asked myself. 

Then, two muscular arms were around me, hoisting me up in the air. I shrieked in fear, and I heard a familiar laugh. "What's with the shriek?"

I look down to see Natsu's handsome face. I laughed and said, "Put me down!"

"Not until I get a kiss." He joked around. I giggled and gave him a peck on the cheek. He smiled and put me down.  Then I looked and realized that he wasn't wearing a shirt. My face suddenly went red, and I stammered, "P-P-Put on a shirt!"

He looked down and gave me a confused look. "Why?"

"Because you're shirtless!" I exclaimed.

"Atlease I'm wearing pants." He said, pointing at my legs. I looked down and realized that I wasn't wearing pants. I must've been in such a hurry to make him his breakfast, that I only remembered to put on a shirt. Luckily, I was wearing my underwear. I shrieked and tried to find a pair of pants, but Natsu just grabbed my arm and held me tightly. "I like you like this."

"H-H-Hey!" I exclaimed. I looked up at Natsu's face to see him doing his adorable puppy-dog face. Oh God, anything but that. "Fine." I grumbled.

"Yes!" He cheered. "Now, let's try some of that breakfast of yours."

Natsu P.O.V

I gotta admit, it was good to eat again. Especially Lucy's cooking. Everything was cooked to perfection. I munched them down like I haven't eaten in a week, which I didn't. I could sense that Lucy was staring, I looked up, and she was. "You sure are hungry."

"Of course I am! I've missed you're cooking!" I exclaimed. As I stuffed the omlet in my mouth, I could see Lucy smiling softly. I smile back and pinch her cheek. "Why you so happy?" I asked.

"Because this is the first normal day we've had in forever." She said silently. 

She was right. Ever since we found out she was a Dragon Slayer, our world has been turned upside down. Almost like an emotional roller coaster. I grabbed Lucy's hand and brought her to my lap. "W-W-What are you doing!" She asked, her body suddenly getting hot.

"Just for one minute, let's just rest like this." I begged, my arms rapping around her. She hesitated, but she layed there and rested her head on my chest. It felt good to by like this. To not worry about someone trying to kill us, or plotting to ruin our relationship. 

Everything was just....perfect.

Lucy P.O.V

When we left to Fairy Tail, we kind of took the long way there. We stopped at the market, where we looked at all the gizmos and knick knacks. We stopped by a hat stand, where they had crazy hats. I grabbed the hat with a pin wheel and laughed. "Wouldn't I look great in this hat?"

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