The Worst Sacrifice

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Hey Readers!!! IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT: AROUND THREE or MORE CHAPTERS UNTIL THIS STORY IS OVER!!! A SEQUEL IS PROMISED! I looooooove fan fictions!!! <3 <3 <3 Anyhoo, here's Chapter 24, ENJOY!!!!!!


Lucy P.O.V




Why was I not feeling any intense pain? Was I already dead? I was scared to open my eyes, so I just peeked open my right eye. The first thing I see is the daggar on the ground. I opened my other eye and looked at it with wide eyes. I look up to see Natsu kneeling on the ground, a tear falling down from his eye. A little frightened, I stuttered, "N-Natsu?"

"Why?" He asked.

"Huh?" I said, confused.

"Why can't I kill you?" He said silently. My heart began to beat fast as he said those words. I slowly reached out for his hand and touched it gently. "You're beginning to remember." I said silently.

"What the hell is going on!" I could hear Lisanna yell.

But we both just ignored her. "What are you talking about?" He asked.

I smiled softly and said, "You're beginning to remember US."

It was silent for a minute, but then he said straight forward, "Kiss me."

I don't know why, but my face turned bright pink. "W-W-What!"

"That was your deal, remember? Why would you want to kiss me if you knew I'd kill you?" He asked.

I sat there silently. Would it be crazy if I told him everything about the God of Anger? Plus, then I'd have to bring up the sacrifice, which I didn't even know if he still remembered. All I did was sigh and said, "Because I miss you."

His face turned a bright pink. I laughed a little. "NATSU DRAGNEEL!" The Devil suddenly screamed. "WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING!"

Frightened, I stepped back a little, but I felt Natsu's arm around my back. "Doing something I should've done a long time ago."

"What are you talking about?" I asked. Suddenly, Natsu grabbed my face and pressed his lips against mine. My eyes were wide, but they slowly closed. I wrapped my hands around Natu's neck, and we kissed like nothing else mattered in the world. We both pulled away, and I noticed something in Natsu's eyes. His red eyes shattered, and you could see his beautiful golden brown eyes. Oh God, have I missed those eyes. "Natsu?" I asked, not sure if the spell was completley broken. I could feel his hug tighten around me, almost tight enough to suffocate me. "Oh God." He whispered. "Oh God!" I looked at his face, and I could see tears falling from his face. Tears fell from mine as well. "You're back!" I rejoiced.

"It was...dark. And cold." He muttered.

"There, there." I soothed, my voice cracking from all the tears. "You're alright not! We're back together." 

"Natsu!" Happy cheered.

"You're alright!" Wendy cheered as well.

"Took you long enough." Gajeel grumbled. 

Suddenly, the ground began to shake, and the earth was cracke. I began to wobble, but Natsu caught me before I fell. We look to see the Devil burning with rage (Literally!)! His cape fell, and what we saw was horrific. What we saw was not a human but a......creature. He had a ram's horns, the body of a lion, the tail of a snake, and the legs of a dragon. I gasped at the sight, but Natsu just held me tightly."YOU DARE DEFY ME! YOU ALL WILL PAY!" He screetched.

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