God of Regret

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Hey, Readers!!!! I know, you r all going "Nooooooooo! WHY!!!!!!!" I had to add a little twist to it! That's what all authors do!!!!!! I just hope that I don't get any death threats 0.o! Anyhoo, here's Chapter 19!! ENJOY!!!!!!! :) XD 0.o


Lucy P.O.V

I woke up the next morning with sweat all over my body. I gasped and gasped for air, as if I'd just held my breathe for hours. Was it all.....a dream, I thought to myself. I touched my arms to see a speck of black dust from the black orbs. So it all actually happened. I suddenly realize that I was in someone arms. I look to see that it was Natsu, his head touching my neck. I smiled at his appearence, but then remembered what my mother said : 

"Natsu  will be the living sacrifice in order to defeat the Six Gods once and for all."

Tears began to flow down my face. I felt as if my heart had been shattered into a million pieces. "No." I whispered, hiccuping. "I don't want to loose you again."

Natsu groaned and fluttered his eyes open. "Good morning." 

I quickly wiped the tears before he would notice them. "Good morning." 

Natsu gave me his concerned eyes. "Are you alright? Your eyes are puffy."

"Oh, those are just because of.....allergies." I said with a reasurring smile. He smiled back and rubbed my head. "What should we do today?" He asked.

Normally, I would go on and keep researching about the Six Gods and stuff, but I didn't want to that today. Not after what I've just learned. I put on my best fake smile and said, "How about just a normal day. No magic, no fighting, no gods, no Lisanna. Just us and our love."

Natsu grinned his usual grin, a grin I haven't seen in such a long time. "I like that idea. How about we get started now."

I smiled. "Sure thing."

After we got ready, we left to a field outside of Hinamizawa. Unlike the field from last time, this one was filled with daisies. I laughed and fell right on top of them. Natsu did the exact same thing. We were face to face on the ground, and our lips gently met. His lips were warm and soft as usual. I could slowly feel a tear popping out of my eyes, and I was trying to control them, hoping that they would just disappear. But sadly, they fell down my face and Natsu noticed them. "You're crying again. I don't think they're allergies this time."

"It's nothing, really." I laughed, wiping away my tears.

"Are you sure?" He said, slowly touching my face.

I nodded. "Please, can we just continue." I begged. I leaned in to Natsu's head and kissed him passionatley. I could see that Natsu's eyes were open, but they slowly closed, and he kissed me back. Natsu rolled on top of me, and his hands began to travel all over my body.He pulled away and and began to kiss my neck. All this passion filled my body, and that's when I broke down. Natsu noticed and pulled away. "Lucy, what's wrong! You have to tell me!" He exclaimed.

"There's nothi-"

"Don't lie! This is the third time you've cried today!" Natsu said.

"I can't.....tell you." I said silently. 

Natsu rolled off my body and grabbed my shoulders. "What can't you tell me!"

"I just can't tell you!" I cried. Tears began to fall down my face, and I looked away from Natsu. "Oh God." I kept on whispering. "Oh God."

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