Chapter 1

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"Horsekit, come plaaaaayyyy," whined a voice.

The orange and white kit opened her eyes that were heavy with sleep. She yawned, stretched and stood up. "Hold on a second, Redkit, I just woke up!" Horsekit sounded annoyed, but then her words turned into a laugh.

Redkit grinned and pounced on Horsekit. She barred her teeth and practiced fighting for when she was going to be a warrior. And then Redkit accidentally bumped into their brother, Grindkit, who was sleeping peacefully. Until Redkit messed it up.

"Redkit, stttoooppp!" A lazy Grindkit moaned, eyes full of sleep. He rubbed his eyes and started to nurse from their sleeping mother, Cinderstripe. She woke up instantly.

"Good morning, my kits. Did you dream of mice and squirrels?" Cinderstripe asked sweetly. She asked the same question every morning.

"Yes," said Grindkit, Redkit, and Horsekit in unison. It was the routine word.

"Until Redkit woke me up!" Huffed Grindkit, trying to act mad to get Cinderstripe's love.

She looked dismayed. "Redkit, say you're sorry." She gazed at her kit with fiery eyes.

"Ugh, I'm sorry, Grindkit." He rolled his eyes and apologized. Grindkit nodded with satisfaction. Horsekit giggled. But a look from Cinderstripe shushed her immediately.

"Now, come eat, my little ones." Cinderstripe instructed, using her tail to drag Redkit and Horsekit into her belly to nurse.

After they nursed, Horsekit's eyes were heavy. She blinked slowly a few times then curled up next to her mother and siblings and fell asleep.


A few hours later, Horsekit awoke to the sound of Stormstar calling the clan for the Gathering. She snuck out of the den to listen.

"Frogclaw, Snakepaw, Acornpaw, Thrushclaw, Birdtail, Hawktalon, Eagleeye, Amberpaw, Hazelpelt, Cherrymoon, and Crowpelt, please come to the camp entrance. You are going to the Gathering," Stormstar announced in his loud, clear voice. He jumped off the Big Rock and padded in front of group of cats awaiting to go to the Gathering.

Horsekit was so jealous. She couldn't wait until she was a warrior! Or even an apprentice, because Snakepaw, Amberpaw, and Acornpaw got to go. But she was just a kit, but very soon, she would get a mentor and get to go to the Gathering with all the other big warriors.

"Horsekit!" Called a voice from inside the Nursery. Horsekit quickly ducked inside.

"Come play with me!" Yelled Redkit, crouching, ready to spring at his sister. For once, Grindkit was ready to play too. Horsekit grinned, excited her lazy brother also wanted to play.

They began to play a game they called Fox. One kit was a 'Fox' while the others hid around the Nursery. The 'Fox' would then find the other kits and pretend to smell them out until they were all found. The last one found got to be the 'Fox' next.

As you can tell, Horsekit made it up.

Redkit was the 'Fox' first. He gave his littermates time to hide, but then he found Grindkit. Soon he found Horsekit as well. Horsekit was the new 'Fox'.

They played that game until the cats returned from the Gathering. Stormstar looked aggravated as he went into his den. Horsekit tilted her head and wondered why.

The kits nursed again and soon fell asleep and couldn't wait for morning so they could it all again.

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