Chapter 27

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Cats gasped. Horsepaw was dismayed. Whirlpaw was captured by RiverClan?!

Bounceheart unsheathed her claws. Horsepaw could hear a growl form in her throat. "Those mange-pelts!" She snarled slowly.

Honeypelt was at the Nursery entrance, and when she heard the news, she drew Applekit and Splotchkit to her paws with her tail.

Stormstar came down from his den with Scarletnose. "What?" He demanded. "How!? He's a smart apprentice. Grassfoot," he motioned to Whirlpaw's terrified mentor. "Tell is how it happened."

Grassfoot was calming down, her fur starting to settle down. She cleared her throat and started shakily. "We were patrolling RiverClan's borders. I let Whirlpaw mark a spot next to the bushes. Then," she stopped to take a breath. "Then, a huge RiverClan patrol popped out the bushes, and grabbed him. I tried to help, but more warriors appeared behind me and held me back. They dragged him into their territory and back to camp. As soon as they left, I came back here because I new I couldn't take them alone." Horsepaw noticed for the first time that she had a few scratches on her flanks, and blood was trickling down her sides.

Stormstar was taking his into consideration. His tail swished in thought. He drew out a breath. "Okay." He looked at Scarletnose, who was worried. "We need to send in a patrol."

Cats all around began to volunteer to get the apprentice back. Grassfoot was too, but Creamleaf was there treating her wounds, so she couldn't move very much.

Stormstar was looking at each cat, meeting their gazes. "I will take anyone who wants to go. But I need warriors to stay here and guard the camp, just in case RiverClan tries to attack while we're gone." Cats nodded, looking at each other, deciding what they wanted to do.

Frogclaw, Thrushclaw, Amberpaw, Acornpaw, Dustpaw, Hawktalon, Rabbitear, Horsepaw, and Eagleeye went on the patrol with Stormstar and Scarletnose to get Whirlpaw. The patrol headed out to the border between the swimming clan.

Dawn was approaching. The birds were calling to each other in warning of the troop of cats slinking through over the moor. The sun was peeking over the
forest and the grassy land. The prey was waking up and searching for breakfast.

When the patrol reached the RiverClan border, Stormstar ordered them to halt.
"Okay," he whispered to the patrol. "I will go in and order Whirlpaw back. If they don't give him back, I will give a signal"–He kinked his tail– "and you guys will jump out of your hiding places, and get into battle stances. When I give the order, we attack." He looked at every cat. "Got it?" The patrol nodded and Horsepaw nodded slowly.
Stormstar our everyone in a hiding place in the bushes. Horsepaw could get a good view of the camp from her hiding spot. Stormstar then padded into the clearing confidently. RiverClan warriors flooded the camp to meet Stormstar, and question why he was here. Horsepaw saw him speak, and the warriors bristle. One warrior, Boldclaw as Horsepaw could tell, snarled something in reply, and Stormstar kinked his tail. The signal! All the WindClan warriors jumped out of their hiding places.
"Are you so keen about keeping him now?" Stormstar challenged when all of his patrol busted out of the bushes.
Boldclaw drew back, and eyed each rival warrior carefully. He motioned to a she-cat with a black pelt and white dapples beside him, Mistdapple, and she turned back to the apprentices den. A few moments later, she appeared with Whirlpaw, who was trying to look brave, but Horsepaw could obviously tell he was scared from his fear-scent.

A menacing laugh sounded from above. Everyone looked up and saw the evil Vinestar strut down from his den. "Finally back, Stormstar! What took you so long to ditch the rabbit clan?"

The WindClan cats looked at each other confusingly, and Horsepaw's fur bristled. She was the only one in the clan beside Stormstar himself who knew about his original clan heritage.

Stormstar snarled. "I will never come back to this clan. WindClan is my clan now. Deal with it." His claws unsheathed quickly.

Vinestar's eyes narrowed. "Okay." He spat. "Why are you here?"

"You know why."

"Do I though?" Vinestar answered, hopping down from his den entrance, and landing in front of the other leader. "Tell me,"

Vinestar's breathed bathed Stormstar's gray muzzle as he
answered, "To get my apprentice back."

Vinestar stepped back. "Ha!" He laughed. His yellow fangs gleamed in the sunlight. He looked right at Stormstar as he corrected:

"You mean, to get your son back,"

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