Chapter 42

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Horsemoon didn't stop running until she was way far out of ThunderClan territory. She stopped, panting, and looked around at her surroundings. She didn't recognize anything. Her heart thumping, she thought about Quickpaw. He saved her life. The poor apprentice. He didn't have the life of a warrior like he was supposed to. Horsemoon thought pitifully.

Then she realized with a jolt that Creamleaf wasn't there. She can't be dead, can she? She feared. I can't go on without her, and my life has had a lot of death in it. I can't deal with another cat gone because of me.

"Horsemoon?" Whispered a voice. Horsemoon whirled around to see a cream pelt emerge from the bushes. Creamleaf? She thought wildly.

"It's me, Creamleaf." The medicine cat came into full view, and Horsemoon's shoulders sagged with relief.

"Do you know where we are?" Horsemoon mouthed when Creamleaf padded close.

Creamleaf nodded. "We're actually really close to the Twolegplace."

"Did anyone follow you?"

"No." Creamleaf shook her head.

"Are you my mother?"

Creamleaf sucked in a breath. "No,"

"Don't lie to me."

"I'm not." Creamleaf protested. "Cinderstripe is."

Horsemoon narrowed her eyes. "We can talk about this later." She said mutely.

Crenaleaf nodded. "We must find the Twolegplace." Then she looked at Horsemoon. "But first, we need to find some herbs for our scratches."

Horsemoon immediately felt the sting of her wounds. She hadn't cared about them because of the rush of the fight, and the running. But now they hurt badly.

They padded away in search of herbs, and soon they found some. Luckily, they found cobwebs, marigold, and tansy. They tansy didn't help very much, for it was for coughs.

Creamleaf applied the marigold and cobwebs on Horsemoon's scratches, and Horsemoon did the same to Creamleaf's.

When they were all fixed up, they sat down heavily. Horsemoon's stomach growled, and Creamleaf heard it. Horsemoon looked embarrassed as Creamleaf said, "We need food."

Horsmoon went and hunted, and brought two mice back. It was luck that she'd caught them, because they were still in the trees. She'd seen many mice, but she'd missed them all except for two. But two was better than none, so the two medicine cats ate them gratefully.

"Quickpaw saved my life by taking my deathblow that Crushmoon was doing. I owe him so much." Horsemoon mother when they finished.

Creamleaf nodded. "Leafwind fought Beestripe and Stumpcloud while I ran away. I don't know why, but they'll probably get kicked out of the clan for fighting for us."

"No," Horsemoon corrected silently, "you don't understand. Quickpaw died. He took the deathblow to the head. I watched him go to StarClan. He told me to run, so I did."

Creamleaf was speechless. Finally after a few heartbeats, she mewed, "That was a brave cat, that apprentice. He gave his life, his future, his clan, for you, a cat from a different clan."

Horsemoon scowled with pain. "I know already. Please stop talking about it." She said mutely.

Creamleaf nodded. She rose to her paws. "Let's go. We're almost there."

Horsemoon stood up and stretched. She followed in Creamleaf's paw steps as the medicine cat walked towards the setting sun.
"I see the Twolegplace!" Creamleaf announced sometime later. It was almost completely dark, and they were tired. So the words restored the hope into their hearts.

Horsemoon looked, exhausted. She saw it to. It was a lot bigger than she expected, things bigger than the camp with weird looking roofs lined a row of them. They had a fence blocking into the green grass behind the mass of color.

"Creamleaf," Horsemoon mugged her mentor. "What are those?" She used her nose to point at the big color things.

"I don't know. But they do have monsters in them, so be careful." Creamleaf warned. "Anyway, let's sleep right here, and tomorrow we'll go into the Twolegplace, okay?" Horsemoon nodded. "Good. Now go gather leaves for nests."

Horsemoon nodded again and went in search of dead leaves for nests. When she got back with a bundle of them, they forged nests and went to sleep by the Twolegplace, hoping to find the answer inside of it tomorrow.

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