Chapter 43

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Horsemoon blinked open her eyes. She was shivering.

It rained last night.

She stood up, and shook her pelt, flinging raindrops all over Creamleaf.

"Horsemoon!" Growled Creamleaf, her eyes bleary with sleep. "Why is it so cold?"

Horsemoon tapped Creamleaf with her nose to get her attention. "Rain," She motioned to the wet grass, and the soggy trees.

Creamleaf nodded and yawned, her jaws gaping with the effort of trying to wake up. "Let's hunt before we head out." She suggested.

Horsemoon scampered away and looked at the sky. Behind the rising sun, the gray clouds promised more rain. Horsemoon rolled her eyes. Luckily, her short pelt didn't hold much water, but it still made her paws muddy and she trudged thought the moor, face downcast.

She managed to catch a small rabbit, and she and Creamleaf shared it ungratefully. Horsemoon knew that she should have been glad that she had caught the rabbit, but right then, it felt like StarClan seemed to like to see them suffer. 

"Let's go." Creamleaf growled after they finished. She rose swiftly, and they hurried to the Twolegplace to beat the rain.

The gloomy surroundings matched their attitudes. They walked heavily, their chins facing the leaves they trotted on below.

Suddenly, Creamleaf halted. "We're in!" She whispered.

Horsemoon looked around, and saw that Creamleaf was right. They were in the Twolegplace! Everything was so big, and their was colors everywhere. There was so many smells that Horsemoon's jaws ached from being held open trying to identify them all. It was so busy; monsters speeding on Thunderpaths past then.

Horsemoon sneaked a glance at Creamleaf, who looked just as awed and scared as she looked.

Creamleaf turned to meet Horsemoon's gaze and blinked slowly. "Okay. Now all we have to do is find the one who comes on wings. Easy!"

Horsemoon rolled her eyes playfully. "Oh, yeah." She mouthed.

"And fast." Creamleaf confirmed as she stared at the sky. "The rain's coming soon."

Horsemoon have her a questioning look. "How do you know that?" She asked silently.

Creamleaf sighed. "One day."

Horsemoon nodded, knowing that her mentor wasn't in the mood to tell her more. And one day she'd find out herself anyway.

"Let's just see if we can find anything helpful." Creamleaf suggested. She padded forward uncertainly, her head swiveling side to side to decide which direction to go. Soon they were heading towards the way the monsters were coming from.

Horsemoon watched her paws as thy walked, and Creamleaf panted beside her. "It's really hot." She rasped.

Horsemoon nodded and looked at the medicine cat. She had gray fur flecks in her muzzle. Every day a new one seemed to form. She looked frailer every sunrise.

Horsemoon felt a drop of wetness in her nose. She looked up, and got another one in her eye. She blinked rapidly to clear it, and the sky began to pour down rain. Soon the two she-cats were drenched.

"Let's find shelter." Creamleaf growled, and tripped. She splashed into a puddle, and Horsemoon went to help her up. Creamleaf refused. "I'm not an elder yet!" She said indignantly.

Horsemoon and Creamleaf searched and found nothing for shelter. Horsemoon suddenly saw something that would help, but she knew that Creamleaf would refuse. But she tried anyway.

Creamleaf followed her gaze. "We're not hiding under a monster." She protested.

Horsemoon looked at her with a pleading look. "It's the best we've got." She mouthed.

Creamleaf sniffed. "No," she turned her chin up. "I'd rather get soaking wet then hide under a momster!" She humphed.

And that's exactly what happened.

Horsemoon rested underneath the monster, that was asleep. Creamleaf stayed put in the rain.

"You'll get sick!" Horsemoon had mouthed.

Creamleaf sneered back. "I'm a medicine cat. I know how to treat myself!"

Horsemoon shrugged and gave up. Soon, sleep claimed her.
Scuffling woke Horsemoon. It was still night, and it was still raining. Creamleaf was no where to be seen. Horsemoon checked everywhere, and even hauled herself out from under the monster.

Rustling and the scuffling noise came from above Horsemoon's head. She looked up and saw the outline of a cat standing on something that had lots of Twoleg things on it.

Horsemoon squinted. Creamleaf? She thought. But as she looked closer, she saw yellow eyes gleaming in the darkness. It wasn't Creamleaf.

And then the cat sent something hurtling down at Horsemoon. She watched it as it collided with her head, the world spun as she collapsed, and the world went black.

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