Chapter 40

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The next sunrise, Horsemoon was jostled awake by Stormstar.
"Creamleaf is already awake. She has traveling herbs. Go now," He meowed quietly.

Horsemoon yawned and stretched. She padded silently over to Creamleaf, who was by the fresh-kill pile. She had two herbs bundles by her feet. She turned as she saw Horsemoon and Stormstar approach.

She pushed Horsemoon one of the bundles. "Eat these. They'll help us with the trip." Then she and Stormstar put their heads together and talked.

Horsemoon ate the herbs, and screwed up her face as the bitter juices sank into her tongue. She swallowed by the taste still remained. It'll wash away later. She thought. We'll find water somewhere.

By that time, Creamleaf and Stormstar were going talking. Stormstar nodded to them both, then padded into his den.

Creamleaf turned to Horsemoon. "Let's go."

The two she-cats walked out of the camp entrance, and into the moor.
"How many lives does Stormstar have left?" Horsemoon mouthed. The two of them were on the open mood, eating prey that they caught. They sat next to a little puddle, and ate in the intense sun. It was sunhigh now.

Creamleaf twitched her ear. "Only medicine cats can know this, so don't tell anyone." She eyed Horsemoon fiercely. Horsemoon nodded. "Good. He only has one left."

Horsemoon wished that she could gasp. Only one? He didn't look like it. He was so proud, and regal. Usually leaders looked frail on their last life. Stormstar didn't.

Creamleaf nodded, understanding Horsemoon's surprise. "Yes. He doesn't look like it though, does he?" She chuckled, swallowing a piece of her rabbit.

Horsemoon bobbed her head vigorously. "He looks like a new leader!" She said silently.

Creamleaf smiled in agreement. "He does." She took the last bite of her rabbit, and Horsemoon was already finished. "I think it's time we leave."

She stood up stiffly, and Horsemoon heard her moan very softly, almost inaudible to any cat. Horsemoon wondered if she could even make the trip.

Horsemoon rose too, and took a few laps of the puddle. She licked her lips, relishing the taste of the sweet water, wondering when she'd taste it again.

The medicine cats started trekking again, and talked about the prophecy and it's meaning.

"'The one who comes on wings?' What can that mean?" Creamleaf asked herself.

Horsemoon shrugged. "Dunno," She mouthed.

Creamleaf eyed her annoyingly. "Thanks for the help," she said sarcastically.

Horsemoon beamed. "You're welcome!" She said mutely.

Creamleaf rolled her eyes playfully. Horsemoon could see the good humor in her green gaze.

They kept padding on the grass, and they soon entered RiverClan territory.
"I hope we don't meet a patrol." Creamleaf meowed. "I know they wouldn't hurt medicine cats, because we're doing something for our clan, but it would take a long time away from the day. We can't risk any time gone. Cats maybe dying in WindClan!"
Horsemoon realized with a chill that Creamleaf was right. What if some cat was dying, or dead back at camp? She wasn't there to help!
They speed up, hoping to pass without being confronted.
They passed RiverClan territory without any trouble, luckily. Then they entered ThunderClan territory.

"If we get stopped now," Creamleaf said, exasperated. "It'll take moons for us to get past!"

Horsemoon laughed silently, and soon they were in the trees. They padded as quietly and as quickly as they could with the leaves and undergrowth.

Creamleaf was staring at the top of the trees, then looked down with a hiss of frustration. "I can't see what time of day it is with all of these trees!"

Horsemoon nodded in agreement. It was hard to see the sky. She wondered how ThunderClan cats knew what time of day it was.

Creamleaf bounced a little as they saw the border to get out of ThunderClan territory and head straight to the Twolegplace.

We are going to make it! Horsemoon's heart soared.

Suddenly, the bushes rustled behind them. They turned, eyes wide.

"What are you doing here?"

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