Chapter 3

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It was chaos.

"RUN!!!" Grindkit screeched. The kits started to scramble, except Redkit, because the fox was on top of him. Horsekit realized she needed to help him.

"Go get help!" She yowled at Grindkit. He nodded and sprinted back to camp. Horsekit now focused on her brother and the fox.

She scratched at the fox's head and face. It growled and got off Redkit, who was bleeding heavily. The fox came after Horsekit instead.

Horsekit began to run. Luckily, she was part of WindClan, and WindClan cats could run very fast across the moor. They had a little bit of forest in their territory, and they were in it right now, so she couldn't sprint across because of the trees, so the fox caught up quickly.

Horsekit took a brave move and swung around to face the fox. The fox tried to stop himself, but his huge body kept moving. He slammed into Horsekit, knocking the breath out of her. She landed on her back, and the fox flipped over her tiny frame, and landed behind her. The fox scrambled up to her and started tearing at her throat. Horsekit could feel blood gurgling in her throat when she tried to breathe.

She scratched the fox multiple times in the face. It growled, teeth baring. It suddenly reached for her front leg and started ripping it off.

Horsekit screamed in agony and pain.

She got up again and started running again in the other direction. She was getting tired, she couldn't keep this up for much longer. And her leg hurt very, very bad.

She was about to lose all hope and just stop running, when she heard loud yowls. She turned to see the deputy, Crowpelt, and her group of cats behind her. The kits were saved!

All the cats, including their mother and Grindkit, defeated the fox quickly. Soon it ran away, and everyone was relieved. Horsekit collapsed from weakness and relief. She couldn't feel her leg anymore. Her throat hurt, too.

"Oh, Redkit!" Yowled a voice. Cinderstripe ran to her son and began to sob. Horsekit limped over.

"It's okay, Cinderstripe," Horsekit rasped. It was surprisingly hard to speak.

"He's dying!!! It's not okay!!..." She cried, burying her face in his fur.

Creamleaf, the medicine cat, ran over. She looked over Redkit, and turned to Cinderstripe. Creamleaf sadly shook her head and said something in a hushed voice. Cinderstripe wailed and cried very loudly. She fell on top of the dying Redkit.

"Sister..." breathed Redkit. You could see how he was struggling. "I love you so much. I'm sorry I have to leave... leave you early, but... it's my time... and it's my destiny..." His voice was trailing off, and his eyes were closing. Horsekit gulped to hold in the tears. Suddenly his eyes widened and they were white. "Remember: You will have some challenges in life, but you can get over them with your actions as your voice..." Redkit's eyes closed for the last time as he smiled and he drifted off to StarClan.

"NOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!" Wailed Cinderstripe and Horsekit. Grindkit simply bowed his head.

Over the grief and confusion of Redkit's last words, Horsekit slowly blacked out from the pain in her leg and agony.

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