Chapter 24

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"Good thing we both got chosen to go to the Gathering." Whirlpaw meowed as he walked by Horsepaw. She nodded in agreement.

The walk to the Fourtrees was a short one, so they didn't have very much time to talk. They didn't have very much to say anyway.

Whirlpaw padded away to catch up with Cloverpaw, leaving Horsepaw heartbroken.

"Hey, Horsepaw!" A cheerful high-pitched meow from behind called, and a tiny black figure raced up to her.

Horsepaw dipped her head in acknowledgment to Rainpaw.

"Two things," The new apprentice rushed quickly. "First, this is my first Gathering!" She bounced on her paws, and her blue eyes sparkled. "Are they fun?"

Horsepaw opened her mouth, but the she-cat went on anyway.

"Second thing." Rainpaw's voice got oddly quiet. "I'm sorry for what I said at the fresh-kill pile earlier."

Horsepaw gazed at her. "It's okay," She mouthed with a smile. She flicked her tail in a dismissing way. She touched the young 'paw's shoulder with her tail tip. "You're forgiven,"

The black apprentice smiled warmly.

When they arrived at the Gathering, Stormstar halted at the top of the hollow. He looked down, signaled with his tail, and WindClan raced down to the Fourtrees.

By the smells, Horsepaw could tail that they were the second clan to arrive. RiverClan scent was everywhere. Horsepaw suddenly felt overwhelmed by all the cats and their different scents.

A pelt brushed hers and she turned quickly. A light gray and black tom was standing behind her, smiling. His blue eyes were shining with interest.

"I am Fishpaw." He meowed. His voice was clipped, and he pronounced every word slowly.

Horsepaw looked at him, confused. "I'm Horsepaw," She mouthed. "I'm mute, and missing a leg." She looked at the smaller apprentice.

Fishpaw waved his tail at her with a toothy smile. "I'm deaf," he said with his clipped voice. "Can read lips. Is my first Gathering," He didn't speak very well.

"Oh," Horsepaw finally recognized his voice. Her mother used to tell Nursery stories about deaf cats never becoming warriors. This poor little 'paw would probably have the same fate. "Well, we're kinda the same. Both different."

Fishpaw smiled his goofy smile. "Yes, we are... same."

Horsepaw giggled inwardly.

Fishpaw padded away to join other RiverClan apprentices. So Horsepaw also walked away to go find more cats to meet. 

She passed the Leader's Rock by the Fourtrees. She heard arguing behind it, so she peeled behind it to see Stormstar, and RiverClan's leader, Vinestar, almost in a fight.

"Well, Stormstar," Vinestar spat, his mud brown claws unsheathed. "Keep your warriors on your side of the border, or there will be more consequences!"

Stormstar's fur was bristled up, and his eyes were glazed with fury. "I will tell you one more time," he breathed. "That my warriors are not going over the border! You're clan smells like fish, and we only stick to the smell of the moor!"

Vinestar laughed menacingly. "Ah, Stormbreeze, remember that you were part of my clan before!"

Horsepaw was confused. She narrowed her eyes, knowing that the RiverClan leader was making things up.

Stormstar was furious. "Do not call me Stormbreeze anymore." He spat each word with so much hatred for he leader, that he ruined the ground with his claws. "That was my past. I am WindClan's leader now. You call me Stormstar just like I call you Vinestar. You don't see me calling you Vinebranch anymore."

Vinestar nodded in consideration. He stalked around Stormstar as he said, "Well, as you know Stormstar–" he stopped to bow mockingly to the leader "–I was you're leader for a long time. You should call me Vinestar any day."

Horsepaw closed her eyes. Stop lying, Vinestar! She thought. But then she opened them again with realization. What if he was part of RiverClan?! She squirmed in surprise and stepped on a twig. As it cracked, the two leaders eyed her in surprise.

"Horsepaw! What–" Stormstar began with wide eyes.

Horsepaw swallowed nervously. "W-was he speaking the truth?" She asked mutely.

Vinestar snarled in disgust. "Speak, kit! Don't be such a coward to not talk!"

Stormstar whipped to face the brown tom. "She's mute, Vinestar! Remember me talking about it last Gathering?"

Horsepaw looked at her paws. She didn't know he talked about her...

"Oh, yes!" Vinestar hissed, coming up to face Horsepaw. "I do remember..." Horsepaw could hardly stop herself from retching from the leader's sour breath.

"Is that true?" She mouthed again with more ferocity.

Vinestar stepped back. "Do tell her about you're past," he chuckled, and smiled evilly.

Stormstar sighed and dipped his head. He lifted his gaze and looked embarrassed as he whispered, "I'm from RiverClan,"

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