Chapter 29

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Sunlight in the apprentices' den woke Horsepaw up. Whirlpaw's nest was empty. He's probably talking to his parents. She thought as she stumbled out of her nest and went to the fresh-kill pile.

Bounceheart padded up to her as Horsepaw was eating a thrush. She looked up at her mentor.

"Ready to train?" Bounceheart mewed. "Tomorrow's the big day!"

Horsepaw nodded, mouth full of feathers. She swallowed, and finished her thrush quickly. The two traveled to the training area.

"Today," Bounceheart began, sitting down and wrapping her tail around her brown paws. "we are going over a new move. And then we'll find you a partner to practice against." She stood up. "Now, let's get started. This move is the Front Paw Strike. Okay, so you're facing your opponent's face. Then you suddenly lash out with your front paw and slice downward at their face and features. Make sure you unsheathe your claws for this move, but make sure to sheathe them for right now," Bounceheart explained. She crouched in a battle stance in front of Horsepaw. "Try it on me,"

Horsepaw squared up to her mentor. She concentrated hard, and realized she only had one front paw. How would she balance without her front paws? She hesitated, opening her mouth to protest.

Bounceheart stood up. "I know," She meowed, pointing with her tail to her missing leg. "But that's why I chose this move. You can balance on your back legs, and quickly strike. But you have to be quick, so your opponent doesn't attack your belly. Wanna try?"

Horsepaw nodded solemnly.

Once again, they prepared for a practice fight. Bounceheart was the enemy warrior, and Horsepaw got to try the move. Horsepaw reared up to strike, but Bounceheart was faster, and struck out with her forepaws at Horsepaw's exposed belly. Horsepaw fell down and grunted in frustration.

"Try again," Bounceheart encouraged.

So she did. Horsepaw reared up and struck out at Bounceheart's head, faster this time. She landed a blow, and tried to fall back down, but Bounceheart lashed out and met her mark.

Horsepaw didn't care that her belly throbbed, she completed the move!

Bounceheart smiled. "Good job!" She meowed, her gaze warm. "But try getting down faster so I don't hit your stomach. But otherwise, great job, Horsepaw!"

They tried the move a few mores times, until Horsepaw got it just right. Then they looked for another apprentice to fight against.

Cavepaw was the only one around.

They approached him, and his mentor, Rabbitear.

"Hey," Bounceheart mewed as they padded up to the toms. "Rabbitear, can Horsepaw practice fight with Cavepaw? Or are you busy with him?"

Rabbitear smiled. "Sure." Cavepaw scowled behind him, and Rabbitear turned to him. He instantly smiled. "Sounds great!" Cavepaw faked.

"Let's go then," Bounceheart started towards the training area.

The WindClan cats padded to the area, and saw that other apprentices were there. Luckily, the main battle training part was unoccupied.

"Get into positions." Rabbitear meowed. As the apprentices squared up, the tom turned to Cavepaw. "Use the new move I just taught you." Cavepaw nodded.

Bounceheart whispered in Horsepaw's ear: "Use the new move I just taught you."

Horsepaw smiled at her mentor.

Bounceheart touched her nose to her apprentice's ear. "Good luck," she murmured.

Once the mentors were ready to watch, Rabbitear gave the signal. The fight was starting!

At once, Cavepaw lunged at Horsepaw. She'd dodged, but was almost a victim to his sheathed paws. She regained her balance, and he turned to face her.

"I'm gonna love shreading you!" He snarled at her, claws unsheathing. He jumped into the air and twisted to land on her back.

Horsepaw was shocked over his words. She couldn't move in time, and his weight made her legs buckle, and she fell to the ground.

Cavepaw sneered. "This is easier than I expected,"

Horsepaw thought about the first move Bounceheart taught her: pretending that she was defeated. She went limp, and waited for Cavepaw to get up.

He didn't.

Horsepaw instantly knew. All WindClan apprentices learned this move. She had to think her way out of this.

Horsepaw thought quickly, and then tried to roll over. It was hard, but she managed to end up on her back. Then she got her back legs underneath Cavepaw, and heaved him off of her.

Cavepaw's smug face was knocked off and was replaced with shock. Then he growled and hurtled himself at her. He rested up on his hind legs, and began to bring his forepaws down on her head.

Horsepaw's heart skipped a beat. I know this move! She thought, trying not to purr. Time instantly slowed down in her mind. Cavepaw's paw came down like a snail, and Horsepaw immediately darted out of the way. His paw met the ground, and he howled in pain and fury.

Horsepaw was behind the raged apprentice, and she used her head to butt his hindquarters. He went sprawling on the ground. Horsepaw got on top of him, and held him down as he struggled to get up. He finally went limp, and Horsepaw thought it was the same move she used, but she heard Rabbitear's meow behind her.

"It's over," He rasped quietly, with a bit of shock in his voice. "Horsepaw wins."

Horsepaw heart swelled with pride as her mentor and the other apprentices around congratulated her. Tomorrow, she would pass both assessments and become a warrior.

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