Chapter 9

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Horsepaw screamed with no sound. She was falling head over paws down the cliff that was formed a few moons earlier from water erosion. Horsepaw shut her eyes tightly to shut out the pain that she was about to inflict.

Suddenly, she slammed into... fur. What?... She thought. She opened her eyes. Horsepaw looked around and checked if she was hurt. All her paws looked fine, body looked okay, tail wasn't broken, so she was okay, right? Yeah. She was.
Horsepaw got up of the fur (she was still puzzled about that) and looked where she was. She was in the little gorge thing. This is a good place for a camp. She thought. She turned around to stare at the fur that saved her life. It was ginger orange. With a white tipped tail. Oh, GREAT. A fox!!! Her breath caught in her throat as she caught a chilling glance at the animal that killed her brother and injured her forever, ruining her life.

Horsepaw felt a stab of anger as she looked at the fox. More than she felt when Creamleaf told her that she could never talk again. She had a sudden impulse to attach the fox. She listened to her instincts, and launched herself at the still fox. She ripped and tore at is orange fur as tears fell down her face. When she was done crying, she stepped back to look at what she had done to the already dead fox.

The fox's body was ripped open in many places, but there was no blood. Probably because it was already dead. Probably died a few days ago or something. Horsepaw was satisfied with her destruction she inflicted on this body.

Now she faced a new problem: getting back up to the fight. She came down the cliff, so there must be a way up it. But how? Horsepaw stared at the fox and predicted it's death. She came to the conclusion that it rolled down the cliff and died on impact. Not a good way to die.

She began to climb it. It was hard, because she was a missing a leg. She dug her claws into the cliff side and snarled as she hauled her body up the cliff. She repeated the motion.

After what felt like moons, Horsepaw collapsed on the top of the cliff. She couldn't stop her legs from shaking. Her claws were bleeding from the weight that they had to pull up. She panted as she gazed at the battle scene.
Cats were biting, tugging fur, and screeching. All the cats were so bunched together, and moving swiftly, Horsepaw couldn't tell who was in her clan or not!
Horsepaw just jumped in the fight. She picked a skinny light gray tom with green eyes out to fight. Pretend fighting moves rolled through her mind. She chose the hardest move she could think of: Her backflip swipe. It wasn't good at all, but it confused her siblings every time.
Horsepaw swiped at the tom, ad realized that this was a full grown warrior. She had no chance at beating him. He probably knew every move she'd make! But she had to try. She jumped in the air, over the tom's back, and swiped at his eyes. She landed behind him on her paws. She tumbled a bit, losing balance because her front leg wasn't there to help hold her up.
The tom hissed with pain and rubbed his eyes. He faced Horsepaw. One of his eyes was milky white with blood on it. The other was untouched.
"Look what you did, kit! You blinded me! And I can't believe you did that, because you have only three legs, cat!" He spat at her. He was grinding his teeth. His fur was ruffled up, making him look twice his size. "You'll pay for that!" He screeched, launching himself at Horsepaw. She gasped silently as he clawed at her pelt. She grimaced as she felt pain on her side. She clawed back, blindly. She heard the tom wince in pain and her claws met their mark. Satisfaction filled her chest, but it didn't last long. The tom jumped on her back and began to rip at it. She tried to stand up, but the tom was too heavy. She could basically see the smile on his face as he tore at her fur.
Suddenly, the weight was lifted off of her as someone else fought the tom.
"I've got you, Horsepaw!" Thrushclaw's voice called to his daughter. Horsepaw stood up gratefully and began to help her father fight the tom. 
After a while of fighting, ThunderClan began to retreat. Soon, they were all gone, with the WindClan cats left to pant and bleed.
"Does anyone have major injuries?" Stormstar's clear voice yelled out to his clan. Everyone looked around, worried.

"Birdtail does!" Scarletnose's voice rang in the silence. "She collapsed a few moments ago. She has a big gash down her side. We need to get her to Creamleaf, quickly! Help me!" A few cats went to help Scarletnose lift her sister off the ground, and tote her back to camp. Deerstrut lifted her on his back, and ran her carefully back to camp.

Horsepaw smiled, but was still worried for Birdtail. She had just fought her first battle, and escaped alive.

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