Chapter 38

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Horsemoon felt a huge burden being lifted off her shoulders as she woke up in the medicine den. Creamleaf was in her nest, asleep, because it was moonhigh.
No training today? Horsemoon wondered. Did she need me at all?
She stood up, and arched her back in a long stretch. She knew she couldn't sleep after the dream. So Horsemoon padded out into the clearing, and sat down, looking at the stars.
Horsemoon noticed a new star that night. She knew it was Hazeclaw's. But she didn't feel bad anymore about it. He forgave her. He thanked her for trying to save him. He was sorry for what he'd done to her.
A huge smile formed on Horsemoon's lips.

At sunrise, Horsemoon blinked the sleep out of her eyes. She must have fallen asleep again when she was watching the stars. She got up on her paws, and realized how hungry she was. So she trotted a few fox-lengths to the fresh-kill pile. She took a small shrew, and ate it quietly.
Cats began to come out of the dens. A new day of clan life was beginning. Crowpelt was sending cats out on the dawn patrol, and sent cats on hunting patrols.

Creamleaf appeared beside Horsemoon. "Good mormimg, Horsemoon," She meowed and yawned.

Horsemoon nodded to her. Then she got excited. Maybe if she could talk in her dream, she could talk now! "Hi, Creamleaf!" She tried to say, but sadly, nothing happened. She hung her shoulders and looked at the ground.

Creamleaf noticed. "What's wrong?" She asked, actual concern showing on here face. "You're not sick, are you?"

Horsemoon shook her head. She wondered why Creamleaf asked her if she was sick. "Wait, who's sick?" Horsemoon mouthed.

Creamleaf sighed. "Well, last night, Amberpelt started coughing. I sent her with some tansy, and I told her to come back today. I haven't seen her today, so I think that's a good sign. Let's hope it is, at least." She looked... defeated. Horsemoon has never seen her mentor look like that before.

"Are you okay?" Horsemoon mouthed.

Creamleaf looked at her, her green eyes dull. "I'm old, Horsemoon." For the first time, Horsemoon saw that she had gray fur around her muzzle; her cream fur dotted with gray. "I have to use my own herbs for my aching joints!" She broke down in a bought of coughing.
Horsemoon ushered her into the medicine den, and made her lie down in her nest. "Don't do anything. Rest. Here's some tansy." She said mutely. She gave her some tansy, and Creamleaf gladly accepted it. Finally, her eyes closed, and her breathing slowed down.

Guess I'm medicine cat for the day. Horsemoon thought, worried for her mentor. I hope she gets better soon! She padded out of the den, leaving Creamleaf to rest, and up into Stormstar's den.
She walked in, and he stopped talking with Crowpelt. They looked at Horsemoon expectantly. "What?" Stormstar growled. Crowpelt blinked. "Can it wait?" She asked impatiently.
Horsemoon shook her head. "Creamleaf is coughing. I made her rest, and I'm medicine cat while she's sleeping."
Stormstar scoffed. "That's no big deal. She's a medicine cat, and she past her prime, that old rabbit-brain. She should be joining StarClan soon anyway. Maybe it's for the best." He shooed her away with his tail. "Now, go."
Horsemoon stiffly padded out of the den, unaware of the world around her. She couldn't believe what she just heard. She went into the medicine den, and saw that Amberpelt and Snakestrike were in there waiting. They looked tired. They turned around when they heard Horsemoon.
Snakestrike coughed, and Amberpelt wheezed. "Oh, there you are. We just walked in, and we're sick." She rasped.
Horsemoon's eyes widened. "That spread fast!" She mouthed. She trotted over to the herbs store, and handed them both some tansy, and catmint. They ate it gratefully.
"Go to your nests, and rest." Horsemoon ordered mutely.
The two young warriors nodded slowly and trudged our of the den. Horsemoon watched them carefully as they padded into the warrior's den. She nodded approvingly.
She spun towards Creamleaf who was still sleeping. Horsemoon leaned down and listened to the old she-cat's chest. She was wheezing, like Snakestrike and Amberpelt. She'd caught the sickness.

I hope we're not on the brink of whitecough, or even greencough! Horsemoon thought, heart pounding. Let's hope this all goes away soon.

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