Chapter 18

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Horsepaw got a troublesome night of sleep. She awoke with a headache and sweaty fur. She padded out the den, and picked a small shrew to eat. Whirlpaw walked up behind her.
"Hi," He meowed to Horsepaw. She sucked in a scared breath, choking on her shrew. She gagged, and Whirlpaw freaked out. She couldn't breathe. Whirlpaw barreled into her, knocking he shrew out of her throat. It ended up on the ground in front of her. She took deep breaths, with wild eyes and straight fur.
She stared at Whirlpaw. "Don't ever, and I mean ever scare me like that again!" She mouthed with a snarl. "I could have died, Whirlpaw!" Then her eyes softened. "But thanks for saving me."
Whirlpaw smiled slightly, scared and stunned. "You're welcome. And I won't."
Horsepaw finished her shrew next to Whirlpaw, who purred as their pelts touched. She stood up, said goodbye to Whirlpaw, and headed towards the training area.
"Hey, Horsepaw!"
Horsepaw turned slowly as she faced the cat she dreaded to see today.
"I need to talk to you." Creamleaf spoke quickly. Horsepaw nodded, and followed her into the medicine den.
Creamleaf sat down and said plainly, "I have to leave to talk to the other medicine cats about Whiteheart's kits,–" she looked at the tired queen, who was smiling wearily "–which are very late, and I don't know what to do. I'm going today, soon. That means you'll be in charge of taking care of the camp. Can you do it?" Horsepaw swallowed and nodded nervously. "Are you sure?" Horsepaw nodded more eagerly. "Okay, good. You know to how to get a thorn out of a paw, how to treat coughs, wounds... you can do it. I've got faith in you, Horsepaw." Creamleaf's tail twitched. "Besides, one day I'll be gone forever, and you'll do this everyday." She smiled sadly at Horsepaw, who rubbed muzzles with her mentor.
The two pulled apart, and Creamleaf padded out the medicine den, and toward Stormstar's den. Horsepaw watched her enter it, and disappear from sight. She reappeared a little bit later, with a satisfied look on her face.
She rushed past Horsepaw and towards Whiteheart. "He said I could go." She mewed. Their heads were close. "If you think anything is happening, tell Horsepaw immediately. She isn't as trained, but she's very close." Whiteheart sighed and nodded.
Creamleaf nodded as well and walked to Horsepaw, who was watching the older she-cats talk. "Now, if her kits are coming, don't panic. She needs your help. Just feel her stomach, so you can tell where he kits are. You'll know when she needs to help you, because you'll feel a ripple pass down her stomach. Then when a kit comes, lick it dry, then focus on the others. Oh, yeah, get her a stick to bite on, too." Creamleaf stared in Horsepaw's eyes. "Got that?" Horsepaw nodded vigorously. "Now then, I will be on my way. I'm going to ask Oliveclaw and Pinepaw if RiverClan first. Goodbye, and good luck, Horsepaw." Then she turned touched noses with Whiteheart. "Stay safe, sister," She meowed softly. She turned, tail high, and raced out of the camp.

Horsepaw was shocked. She didn't know Whiteheart and Creamleaf were sisters! Whitheart had a brother, which meant Thrushclaw was also Creamleaf's brother! And that was Horsepaw's father, which means that... Creamleaf and Horsepaw were related!
Whiteheart sneezed. Horsepaw spun towards her. "Anything wrong?" She mouthed quickly. "Do you feel anything, like kicks or pains? Do I need to get you anything? Are they coming?"
Whiteheart just laughed. "No, Horsepaw," She had an amused gleam in her eye. "I jut sneezed! But don't worry, I'll let you know if I feel anything, oh wise medicine cat." The brown and white queen answered, giggling.
Horsepaw felt her face grow hot. She felt proud though. "Okay, just making sure. This is my first time Creamleaf left me alone to take care of the camp." She shuffled her paws, and looked at them. "I'm kinda nervous." She faced the queen. "Plus, it's even harder to prove yourself worthy of being important when you're mute and missing a leg." She mouthed again.

Whiteheart understood. "Yes, I believe it is. It's also hard to prove yourself worthy of all you do is stay in the Nursery. It's also hard when you've had almost six litters of kits for the clan. And it's also hard when you first became with Frogclaw's kits when you were an apprentice." She sighed.

"Woah! Six litters!" Horsepaw said silently, sitting down with exasperation. "When you were an apprentice? Cinderstripe says it's kinda like a disgrace to become with kits as an apprentice. You don't have enough time to finish training."

"Yep." She replied softly, her yellow eyes filled with wisdom. "Your mother's right." Her stomach had a huge ripple, and then her eyes got wide and she yowled in shock. "I- I think my kits are coming!!!"

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