Chapter 45

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"Time to see Frill!" Amos's voice made Horsemoon open her eyes. She rolled over and closed them again. She didn't want to go.

Amos suddenly jumped on Horsemoon. He cuffed her on the ears, and Horsemoon's eyes sprang open. She looked at him with wide eyes and he smiled. "Creamleaf told me to," he responded.

Creamleaf looked smug. "Just like your first day of training."

Horsemoon remembered her first day of being an apprentice. She wouldn't get up, and Creamleaf cuffed her on the ears and left. Every other day after that, Horsemoon scrambled out of her nest and went to training.

Horsemoon stretched and yawned. Her belly grumbled, and the two other cats heard it. Amos grinned. "I've caught a mouse. You can have it if you want."

She peered at him with narrowed eyes, and then switched her gaze to Creamleaf, who nodded. Horsemoon looked back at Amos and bobbed her head. "Yes, please," She mouthed.

Amos whipped around and disappeared for a moment. Then her reappeared with a tiny mouse. "It's all I could find," He mumbled around the mouse.

Horsemoon took it gratefully and kept her gaze locked on Amos. He's not so bad. She thought. He'd make a good warrior. Then she dismissed the thoughts, knowing that that probably wouldn't happen. But maybe...

She munched down the mouse quickly. Then she licked her lips and rose to her paws. "I'm ready to go," She said mutely.

Amos and Creamleaf nodded. "Good." The medicine cat said. "Amos, take us to Frill." She said to Amos.

"Let's go." Amos instructed. He led the way out of the monster's house and out into the day. It was already sunhigh, they had to hurry.

"How long is this going to take?" Creamleaf asked, reading Horsemoon's mind. She padded alongside with the black and white tom.

Amos looked at the sun. "Let's see. Frill's home is on the other side of the Twolegplace... it's noon right now... so we'll be there at about, eh, nighttime?"

Creamleaf did an exasperated gasp. "We don't have that long!" Then her eyes narrowed. "What did you call 'sunhigh'?"

Amos looked confused. Then he brightened again. "Ohh. You mean noon!"

Creamleaf  squinted. "Noon," She let her mouth feel the new word. "Maybe we can  the Clans that."

Horsemoon did not like the new word. Sunhigh was much better.

Amos smiled. "Well, we might as well talk about something while we walk." He thought for a minute. "What's a Clan?"

Horsemoon really wanted to answer, but she knew that without experience, Amos wouldn't know what she was mouthing. So she listened as Creamleaf explained.

"A clan is a group of cats who fend for each other and take care of the oldest cats and the queens." Creamleaf began. "There's warriors, who train younger cats called apprentices to become warriors. Warriors fight battles against other clans and hunt for the clan. There–"

"How many clans are there?" Interrupted Amos.

"Four." Creamleaf continued. "We're WindClan, the best and fastest clan. ThunderClan are the strongest and bulkiest. Then there's ShadowClan, the sneakiest and the evilest. Then there's RiverClan, the rabbit-brained cats who enjoy swimming." She shuddered on the last words.

Amos looked thoughtful. "Oh," He whispered. "That sounds amazing."

Creamleaf smiled slightly. "It is." She had a distant look in her eyes. She was probably thinking of the camp back home. Horsemoon was, for sure.

"There's also elders. They're the oldest cats in the clan, and they get too old to fight or hunt, so they retire to the elder's den. Warriors hunt for them, because it's their turn to take care of the clan, just like the elders did many moons ago." Crenaleaf looked at Amos. "With proper training, you'd be a warrior right now."

Amos's eyes sparkled. "Awesome,"

Creamleaf giggled. "The apprentices are younger cats. When they reach six moons, they began training as a warrior. They train for about six more moons before they reach the level of a warrior and receive their warrior name.

"Then there's queens, pregnant she -cats who are warriors and then have to go to the Nursery to have their kits. When their kits reach six moons, they either retire to the elder's den or go back to warrior duties.

"There also a deputy who the leader chooses. When the leader looses their last life, the deputy becomes leader and has to chose their own deputy. The deputy organizes patrols and talks to the leader about battles and other important things."

"How many lives does a leader have?" Amos asked.

"Nine." Creamleaf replied.

Amos looked surprised. "I thought that that was a story for little kittens!"

Creamleaf laughed. "No. It's true!"

Amos smiled and purred.

Horsemoon was happy for them, and was looking forward to the trip to find Frill.

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