Chapter 8

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Training began as soon as the sun was seen over the horizon. Horsepaw rubbed her eyes after a paw shook her.

"Get up, Horsepaw. Medicine cat training, remember?" Creamleaf's voice rang in the silence. "Then, at noon, you and Bounceheart begin warrior training. You've got a busy day, so get some food into you and come to the medicine den."

Horsepaw rolled over, eyes closing.

Suddenly a paw cuffed her ears. She glared at Creamleaf, offended, instantly waking up.

"That's what you get." Creamleaf turned her nose up in the air, strutted out the apprentices' den, tail high.

Ears ringing, Horsepaw trudged to the fresh kill pile. She picked a plump mouse out, and sat down near the Nursery. She ate silently. Suddenly a figure sat down next to her.

"Hey, Horsepaw. I get apprenticed today! That's cool, right, because our moms had us a day apart and we're like really close in age so... oh." Whirlkit fumbled with his words, looking embarrassed. He looked at his paws, realizing he was rambling again.

Horsepaw looked at Whirlkit and smiled sweetly. Everyone already knew about Horsepaw's new way of speaking because Stormstar announced it to the clan the other day, so Horsepaw mouthed words to Whirlkit.

"That's so cool!" She mouthed slowly. "I can't wait to train together!"

Whirlkit gleamed. He grinned and strutted towards the Nursery to go play with his brother, Dustkit. Horsepaw watched happily.

Horsepaw finished her mouse, and limped into the medicine den. Herbs were laid out on the floor in front of her.

"Took you long enough. Now, we are going to learn these herbs and what they do. So, this is Goldenrod. Goldenrod helps with healing wounds. You chew it into a poultice and then plaster it on wounds. Next is Horsetail. Horsetail helps with fighting infections and stopping bleeding. Once again, you chew it into a poultice and then put it on the wounds. Okay, now there's this one; Marigold. Marigold helps stop bleeding and fight infections. It also helps with inflammation with stiff joints. Again, you chew it into a poultice and place it on the wounds. Remember, the join was can be used as well. Then there's Mouse Bile. You get it from a mouse, and you dab it on ticks. The ticks fall off, and it's the only solution for them. Especially remember to wash your paws after using it! It will smell, and it will leave a horrible taste in your mouth for days..." Creamleaf explained all of these herbs, and Horsepaw actually listened carefully.

This would help her when she was a warrior. She could help her clan who get injured without going all the way back to camp!
"This is great!" She mouthed to Creamleaf. She looked a little confused.
"Um... yeah, what you said." She turned and began to work on something else. Horsepaw sighed inwardly because she knew Creamleaf didn't understand a word  she said. She still has to work out the kinks, so it would get better.

Suddenly, there was a commotion outside the medicine den.

"ThunderClan is attacking!"

Chaos began.

Stormstar gathered the cats who would participate in the battle. "... Horsepaw, Deerstrut..."

Horsepaw's breath caught in her throat. Her first battle! She got chosen! She strutted outside the den and lined up with the other warriors and apprentices who would attack.

Wait... she hadn't done warrior training yet. She had no clue at all how to fight.

"Stormstar!" She mouthed. But of course he didn't hear her because nothing happened. She began to panic. She looked around for a saving grace.

"Let's go!" Stormstar called to the cats. Everyone began to march out the camp. Horsepaw has no choice but to follow. Maybe kit fighting would help...
Suddenly Stormstar glanced back at her with a sly smile. He knew what he was doing. He wanted to see how well she would do with no training.
He wanted her to fail.
And maybe die because of it.
Horsepaw swallowed feebly and raced  along with the group as she stared at her fearless leader. He wanted her killed.
ThunderClan soon appeared near the WindClan camp. Horsepaw blinked, and in one second, she was surrounded with tangled bodies and screeching cats. She stood there in shock.
Suddenly, a body knocked her over. She was forced on the ground with a large gray body looming over her.
"I'm having WindClan tonight!" Hissed the ThunderClan she-cat. "And one with three legs!" Her green eyes gleamed with malice. She was ready to kill for her clan. The cat snapped at Horsepaw's neck, but her aim was slightly off. Thankfully.
Horsepaw tried to push her off, but the warrior was too big. She couldn't move. A force suddenly barreled into the cat on top of Horsepaw. Horsepaw was knocked in the air as the weight was lifted off of her. She flew up in the air, and fell back.
Horsepaw was frightened. Shouldn't she have hit the ground by now? She forced her eyes to open.

Oh no... the cliff!!! Horsepaw thought with a scream that was soundless.
Horsepaw was falling off the cliff in WindClan territory. She was going to die.

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