Chapter 16

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Horsepaw yawned as the sun cut through the apprentices' den. She opened her eyes sluggishly and blinked the sleep out of them. She got up, careful not to disturb Whirlpaw– who was sleeping next to her, tail over his nose– and padded out the den.
The clearing was empty, except for a few cats who were ready to leave on the dawn patrol. Horsepaw always awoke early to fit in both ranks training. She woke up early to work with Bounceheart this morning, and at sun high she would work with Creamleaf.
Horsepaw picked a small rabbit from the fresh kill pile, and felt a harsh wind stir her fur. She noticed how every day how the hunting patrols were returning with less and less prey. Leaf-fall wasn't too far away.
When she finished her meal, she walked outside of camp, and passed Birdtail who was on guard for the camp. She nodded to warrior and trotted to the training area. Bounceheart was already waiting.
"Good morning, Horsepaw." Bounceheart mewed. She smiled at the apprentice, who sat down on her haunches to listen. " Today, we'll work on more battle skills. This one is the twist and dodge. You have to dodge your attacker's swipes and blows and then suddenly jump over their back and twist. You also have to land quickly and attack them before they realize what's happened. Want to try? I'll be the enemy." Bounceheart crouched down, ready to attack Horsepaw. Horsepaw crouched down as well and narrowed her eyes, determined to get this move right, even with a missing leg.
Bounceheart lashed out at Horsepaw's ear, but she dodged it easily. This happened many more times, and finally, Horsepaw leaped over Bounceheart's back without a warning. She twisted in the air, and landed awkwardly, twisting her front paw. She hissed in pain, and Bounceheart got up to see what happened.
"You just landed wrong. But otherwise, that was great! We'll work on it again when you're better, but you better go see Creamleaf." Bounceheart told her. Horsepaw nodded, and limped off to the medicine den.
She hobbled into the medicine den, and approached her other mentor from behind. Creamleaf was tending to Falconwing's paw.

"Give it a good lick, and come back if it's still hurting by tomorrow." She instructed the young warrior.
"Thanks, Creamleaf. I will!" Falconwing limped out, going to the fresh kill pile.
Horsepaw smiled. Creamleaf stared at her. "What now?"
Horsepaw was slightly taken aback. "I twisted my paw." She mouthed.
Creamleaf was confused. "What?"
Horsepaw inwardly groaned. "I twisted my paw!" She mouthed more slowly this time.
"Oh. You twisted your paw." Creamleaf meowed. Horsepaw nodded. "You need to work on speaking more clearly." She looked at the paw Horsepaw offered to her. "It'll heal quickly. I'll get you some poppy seeds for the pain, but otherwise, your good to keep working today." The medicine cat walked to her store, and picked out two tiny seeds. Horsepaw gladly ate them.
Horsepaw nodded gratefully to her mentor, and plodded our the den. She stopped when she eats a wail. She spun around, wide eyes.
"Has anyone seen Barktooth?!"
Horsepaw recognized Honeypelt's high pitched voice. The queen was hurriedly hobbling around the camp.
"Is he on a patrol?"
"He probably went hunting by himself."
"He'll come back."
"Don't worry! We'll find him."
Voices were coming from all around the camp.
"Crowpelt says she never sent him on a patrol. And Scarletnose says she saw him leaving camp at sunrise and he never came back!" Honeypelt wailed, answering everyone's questions. Whiteheart, the very pregnant queen, came up to soothe her denmate.

Crowpelt took hold off the situation. "Okay, we'll send search patrols out for him. Frogclaw, Birdtail, Rabbitear, and Scarletnose, go cheek the ShadowClan border. Sunspots, Thrushclaw, Bounceheart, and Deerstrut, check the RiverClan border. Other warriors, go spread out and check everywhere else. Come on, everyone! We've gotta find our missing warrior!" She snarled with anticipation. All the warriors scrambled out the camp entrance, and went where they were assigned. Honeypelt was taken to the medicine den to get thyme for the shock. Horsepaw followed. This was a good time to learn.
When she walked in the den, the queen was panting heavily with worry. "Look, take these and you'll be fine. Don't worry, we will find him, okay, Honeypelt? Please calm down. Think about your kits." Whiteheart soothed, licking the queen's ear. Creamleaf have her a few thyme leaves and Honeypelt ate them, instantly calming down. She nodded, "I'm good." Whiteheart and Creamleaf nodded approvingly.
"You may take her back to the Nursery now. Just make sure she stays in a nest. And keep her calm." Creamleaf told Whiteheart. She lead her friend out the medicine den and into the Nursery.
Horsepaw couldn't keep from worrying. Would they really find the missing warrior?

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