Chapter 32

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Sometime before moonhigh, Horsepaw must have gone to sleep, because she awake in the night with a paw prodding her. It was Bounceheart.

"Let's go," She said quietly. "It's almost time." Then she took a look at Horsepaw's pelt. "And give yourself a quick groom. You look like a kit!"

Horsepaw smiled at her mentor as she hurried out the den. Horsepaw licked herself and thought in vain. Bounceheart would have been a good mother. She and her mate, Hawktalon, we're trying to have kits since they'd gotten together. But one night, Bounceheart received a message that she'd never be able to have kits. She and Hawktalon were devastated, but she put it behind, and focused on her clan anyway.

Horsepaw padded out the den, and into the clearing, just when Stormstar was calling a meeting. Cats streamed from their dens. Bounceheart was already at the bottom of the rock, with Thrushclaw and Acornpaw, and Sunspots and Amberpaw, and lastly, Creamleaf. They looked excited, their eyes sparkling.

Horsepaw joined them, and looked at the clearing. Hawktalon came out of the warrior's den with Eagleeye and they sat next to Frogclaw and Deerstrut. Cherrymoon sat next to Honeypelt near the Nursery. All the remaining apprentices sat together near the rock. Soilnose plopped down next to Cinderstripe near the Elder's den. The clan waited patiently for Stormstar to speak.

"Today is the best part of clan life," He began proudly. "The making on new warriors! We have three new apprentices earning their names." He hesitated for a heartbeat, then motioned for Acornpaw to stand next to him. She padded up shakily. He looked at Thrushclaw. "Is she ready to become a warrior?"

Thrushclaw nodded. "Yes,"

"Acornpaw," Stormstar recited with power. "Do you promise to uphold the warrior code even at the cost of your life?"

Acornpaw swallowed. She held her gaze and meowed, "I do,"

Stormstar nodded and looked at the stars. "Warriors of StarClan, look down on his apprentice as she has trained hard to learn your noble code, and it's my turn to commend her as a warrior in her turn." His eyes focused on Acornpaw, who was unsteady. "Acornpaw, from this day on, your new name will be Acorntail. WindClan honors you for your courage and strategy in battle."

Then, he did Amberpaw's ceremony, and she was given the name Amberpelt. The clan recited their names with pride.

"Acorntail! Amberpelt! Acorntail! Amberpelt!"

The newly made warriors puffed their chests out in pride.

When the crowd had settled, Stormstar motioned for Horsepaw to come up to him. Horsepaw hobbled up slowly, capturing this moment and locking it into her heart to treasure for forever.

Stormstar's expression was blank as he explained, "Horsepaw is a special apprentice. She trained as a medicine cat and a warrior. She did her assessments, and the deal was that if she passed them both, she got to be a warrior. If she failed one..." he let the suspense lay out. "Then I chose what her future will hold." He looked at Horsepaw, who shrank inwardly before his gaze. This was it.

"She failed one."

Horsepaw's heart plummeted down the rock. She looked at her paws and a tear slipped down her cheek. All of this, she thought, for nothing. 
The cats were silent. No cat dared to disturb the grass beneath their paws. They looked in disbelief at their leader. No one expected this from the hard working apprentice.

Horsepaw faded to sneak a glance at her leader, and saw that he was smiling?!

Horsepaw was so shocked, that her mouth opened. She shut it quickly, and wiped the tear away. He won't do it... she thought.

Stormstar cleared his throat. "I get to chose what she is. I chose that she is..."

Horsepaw smiled slightly. By the way he was looking, he might make her a warrior!

"... a medicine cat."

Horsepaw felt fresh tears fall down her cheek as she heard the second bomb drop. She stared at him with hatred. He was smiling to make fun of me! She realized with fury. Is she wasn't on the rock, in front of the clan, she would have torn him to spreads.

Then a cat called from the clearing, ending the thick mood.

"Horsepaw, the medicine cat!" Whirlpaw's voice encouraged. "You'll be great!"

Then, to Horsepaw's surprise, more cats joined his calls.

"Yay, Horsepaw!"

"You'll be amazing!"

"It's a great honor."

"A medicine cat!"

Horsepaw looked at her cheering clan, and her heart filled with pride. They're... happy for me... she thought, and more tears fell down her cheeks. But this time, they were happy tears.

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