Chapter 39

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A few sunrises had passed, and the sickness was getting worse. More cats were getting sick, not better. Falconwing, Birdtail, Scarletnose, and Eagleeye now joined Snakestrike and Amberpelt in the medicine den. Thankfully, Creamleaf was getting better. At least she was helping with giving cats herbs.

Horsemoon sighed. She was so overworked. Her paws hurt from hurrying to and fro around the den, fetching herbs and moss and fresh-kill for every cat. What she would give for a break!

Creamleaf hurried in the den. "Stormstar's sick!"

Horsemoon heart stopped. "Let's go." She mouthed. She turned to the sick cats. She nudged Scarletnose on the shoulder. "We will be right back. You're in charge." She said mutely and slowly.

Scarletnose nodded, eyes glazed. Horsemoon wasn't even sure that she understood what she'd said.

Horsemoon and Creamleaf padded out of the medicine den, and up into Stormstar's den. They could feel the fever radiating off of the leader as they entered. Stormstar's legs were splayed out and he was panting. He turned his gaze to the medicine cats. Then he twitched, and was still.

Horsemoon stiffened. "I-is he dead?" She mouthed to Creamleaf.

"He's lost a life." Creamleaf croaked back. She kept her eyes on her leader, and suddenly he popped up.

Stormstar looked completely fine, and the fever was gone. He wasn't panting, or wheezing. But his eyes were wild.

"This sickness," He whispered. "this sickness is worse than we're ever seen. We need help."

Creamleaf gasped. "What?" She moved closer to the shaky leader. "It's just whitecough, right?"

Stormstar shook his head. "It's worse than greencough. Any cat that has it is almost destined for death. We need help. Not from any clan," he added as Creamleaf opened her mouth to ask. "From- from..."

Horsemoon leaned over. Her heart skipped in anticipation.

Creamleaf nudged him. "From who?" She muttered.

Stormstar sighed. "From kittypets."

Creamleaf was silent. "What?"

Horsemoon could hardly believe her ears. WindClan, the best clan out of the four clans, asking for help from kittypets?! That was completely mouse-brained!

Stormstar nodded sadly. "'The one who comes on wings knows the answer.'"

Horsemoon and Creamleaf looked at each other in confusion. "What does that mean?" Creamleaf asked.

Stormstar shrugged. "I don't know. But I think it's a prophecy."

Creamleaf rolled her eyes. Horsemoon knew why. She felt the same way. StarClan never actually told them what they needed to do. It was always riddles. Was StarClan tormenting them? Did they like watching them wonder about words like cows tromping around grass?

Stormstar looked straight at Horsemoon. Was that fear she saw in his eyes? That moment of uncertainty flickered away in half a second. Then it was replaced by his fierce manner. "You need to go to the Twolegplace. You and Creamleaf, Horsemoon. Find the cure. Find the one 'who comes on wings.' Get help."

Horsemoon was shocked. "U-us?" She mouthed.

Stormstar dipped his head. "Yes. You are our medicine cats."

Creamleaf sniffed. "Who will take care of the sick cats while we're gone?" She challenged.

Stormstar came back with equal amount. "We will ask the other clans." He retorted.

Horsemoon knew that Stormstar completely hated asking other clans for help. He thought that it was a sign of weakness. He wouldn't allow it.

So it made since that Creamleaf would laugh. "Ask another clan?" She scoffed. "I've been your medicine cat since you came from RiverClan and became leader–" Horsemoon forgot that Creamleaf already knew about Stormstar's half-clan origins. That's why she wasn't surprised when Stormstar announced that he was from another clan. "–and I know what you're like. You would never ask another clan for help."

Stormstar's fur bristled. "Listen to me, old cat. You will go to the Twolegplace and find the answer. I can kill you right now if I wanted you. You wouldn't be able to fight me back anyway; you're past your prime, Creamleaf. StarClan's calling you soon, and maybe going to the Twolegplace will be the last thing you do for the clan before you leave!" He slid his claws out, and a growl formed deep in his throat.

If Creamleaf was threatened or scared, she didn't show it. Her calm posture remained, and she looked at Stormstar evenly. "When do we leave?"


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