Author's Note

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~May 31st, 2021 Update~

*ART CONTEST!*Hello, Wattpadders! As the final installment of the Whispers of Nowhere Trilogy, "The Mythos Trials" will be published (paperback and ebook) on July 2nd, I thought I should do something special to commemorate the end of the series--and what better way than to launch an art contest?So here's the plan:-Create a piece of art inspired by any of the three books in the series: this could be an environmental piece, a specific scene, a bust of one of the characters, anything! As long as it's related to the series, it qualifies. -Send said art to me via my email by June 28th. (Or if it's not a digital art piece, send a picture of it).-Winners will be chosen June 30th: 1st place will receive signed copies of all three books, plus a complementary copy of "The Masks We Wore: The Anthology" and a custom-made phoenix feather necklace. 2nd place will receive signed copies of all three books, signed. And third will receive e-copies of all three books.If you have any questions, send a PM my way. :) In the meantime, good luck and may the best artist win. <3

Update January 2nd, 2020: Now that edits have commenced, I will be updating The Mythos Trials every couple of days or so. Thanks so much for your patience, and I hope you enjoy! For more details, read below.

Hello, everyone!

Thanks so much for clicking on The Mythos Trials!

For those of you who don't know, The Mythos Trials is the third book in the Whispers of Nowhere Trilogy: a YA Fantasy centralizing around a teen protagonist thrust head-first into a world of gods, monsters, and magic. If you haven't read Whispers of Nowhere or book two, Fall of the Spectrum, you might want to do so before tackling this story--otherwise things might be a tad confusing. ^^;

If you have read the first two books, great! Please feel free to proceed with this one to your heart's content--just please bear in mind as this isn't the final draft, it will likely have its share of faults. Basically you get what you pay for, and as this is for free... Well, you get the idea. ;)

Thanks so much for taking the time to read this author's note and for considering reading The Mythos Trials. I hope you enjoy, and look forward to hearing your thoughts!

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