Chapter Twenty-Five, Part Two

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Phenex cursed loudly again, cushioning Gwen at the last second before her head would have met the gleaming planks beneath them.

Forneus spared a second's glance to make sure they were both all right, then turned so that he was facing the aft. Just as he'd suspected, the ocean waves swelled most there, rising high enough that he could see them sloshing across the aft deck to slam against the mizzen-mast. When they receded, Iris was standing there, a bevy of aquatic entities encircling her.

"Enemies boarding!"

The ship captain's shout was unnecessary. Nearly every head from stern to bow turned, their gazes drawn by the fearsome roar of the three-headed sea serpent that had flopped up onto deck.

Rheumy eyes stared out from broad, glistening snouts of mottled green and grey, the noses identically tapered off with the lower jaws protruding several inches farther. Jagged, yellowed teeth curved upward, intersecting the much smaller counterparts of all three upper jaws. Spines covered from crown all the way down their slender, glistening frames, disappearing beneath the churning waves.

There wasn't time to make note of the various other species surrounding Iris. Forneus's gaze locked with hers, unconscious of the power crackling in the palms of his hands when she smiled, dark brown eyes glittering with anticipation. Rain lashed from all sides, whipping her dark curls to and fro, her gown of dark plum rippling around bare ankles.

In spite of the rising cacophony—the serpent's roars, the wailing of the wind, the shouts of the Golden Kelpie's crew—Phenex's growl rose above the din, followed by a violent outpouring of flame.

Orange light fell in a circular patch around him, Gwen having scooted back as far as she could from his flames, her back against the railing. Fear and determination warred across her face, the latter winning out as green light engulfed her from head to toe, cladding her in the ethereal armour.

Forneus had time enough to feel the familiar glimmer of pride at her quick thinking, before the first of Iris's forces surged forward. They clambered across the glistening planks with shrieks and wails, eyes alight with hunger. Iris led the assault, water encircling her body and vanishing in a burst of steam, revealing gleaming armour in place of her gown; skin-tight leggings with silver shin-guards and leather boots.

Lightning streaked across the sky, a backlight to the enemy forces closing in from both ends of the ship, the following clap of thunder acting as percussion; nature's drums of war.

Forneus made a quick note of the crew, satisfied to see their weapons drawn. Swords and staffs, spears and chain-blades at the ready, while streaks of fire and light filled the hands of others. Elves from Aithiopa, Archaios, and Gelida Vix stood together, a motley of thick-lined furs and feathered cloaks, and thin, plant-based tunics ruffling in the wind; pale, otherworldly complexions mixing with their russet-skinned cousins, all of them wearing identical scowls. Next to them, a handful of selkie, undine, and Oceanids formed the rest of the crew, each one equally as determined to protect their ship and its cargo as their elven shipmates.

Hearing a high-pitched whistle, Forneus didn't so much as look up before erecting a defensive barrier, willing as much of his energy into its creation as possible to ensure it protected those nearest to him. Sharp spikes glanced off the barrier, falling onto the rain-slickened deck with a clatter. The low rumble of thunder drowned out the next volley, but by this time, his attention was on the three-headed serpent, silvery light radiating from his free hand into the form of his favoured cutlass.

"Go for it," Phenex said from beside him, his whole body aflame. "I'll deal with Iris. Gwen, stick to as many of the little monsters as possible, got it?"

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