Chapter Sixteen

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"So let me get this straight. You're going to throw a ball?"


"And you're hoping to accomplish what, exactly?" Phenex snorted, crossing his arms. "I think it'll take more than a dinner party to smoke him out of hiding."

Gwen listened to the discussion with a detached sort of curiosity, arms wrapped around her knees as she sat in the same wing-backed armchair Forneus had been dozing off in just that morning. Had it really only been two hours ago? After everything that had happened—the sobering discussion over breakfast as to what the Moirai had been up to for the past several hundred years, the chase down the hallways, Unrestrained taking her over, only to be subdued by Phenex—it felt like days had passed in those few short hours.

Not to mention her every muscle was sore, feeling as if a portion of Phenex's fire was burning within them.

"You heard what the agent said," said Forneus, a hint of annoyance tugging at the corners of his mouth. "Reeves has more than a dozen moles planted in Eurus's palace. Some among the staff, others hidden only the gods know where."

"And given their own incursion troubles, I doubt they could locate them, either," Eurus cut in. "I should have been able to pick up on them long before now. Whatever power this Shade Reeves has at his disposal, it's somehow blocking my ability to pick out the good from the bad."

"Don't kick yourself," said Phenex, "it wouldn't be the first time Reeves blindsided us all."

There was something in his voice when he said it that gave Gwen pause. It almost sounded like Phenex was referring to something prior to the seals' release. As far as she'd seen, what deception they'd dealt with for the past few months had been largely due to Iris and Apophis, not Reeves personally. If anything, his only deception was keeping himself in the limelight to distract them from the actions of those in the background.

Though I guess that alone counts, she thought, picking at a loose thread on the armrest. Still, something told her there was more to what Phenex had said than current events.

"None of the serving staff can know what we're planning," said Forneus, idly tapping his fingers against his thigh. "All it would take is the wrong servant catching wind of our plans for the whole thing to fall apart. We need to keep this between us four." He cast a meaningful look from one to the other, his expression softening when he looked at Gwen.

"Okay, say we go through with this," said Phenex, pacing, "what's the purpose behind the ball? It's not like Mythos has any festivals coming up. Besides," he stopped, turning to face them. "Word's probably gotten around by now that we've caught one of their moles. There's a good chance they'll be on their guard from here on out."

Gwen cleared her throat, drawing everyone's attention to her. Cheeks flushing at the intensity of their gazes, she said, "What if we were celebrating finding the pure ether in Terra Ventus?"

Phenex stared at her, uncomprehending. "But we haven't found it yet."

Gwen sank back in her chair, suddenly meek. "What if I told you I've been picking up on it for the last hour?"

"Then I'd be inclined to ask why you didn't say anything before now." A hint of exasperation crept into Phenex's voice. "Where is it? If we go after it now, the ruse might actually work."

Eurus pushed himself to his feet with a groan. "It might work," he allowed, "but there's still the issue of the other moles—and perhaps even Reeves himself—being on high alert. How do you propose we handle that?"

Silence descended, each one of them mulling it over. Gwen glanced from Phenex, arms crossed and head lowered, to Forneus, still perched on the footstool, eyebrows knit together and idly scratching the stubble along his jaw with his right hand. Eurus stared dazedly at the window opposite, hands resting at his sides.

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