Chapter Thirty-Four, Part Two

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Forneus gasped at the outpouring of energy coming from Gwen as Sensory flared to life, filling the Spectrum with a glowing construct of what the core had looked like not so long ago.

Other images flickered into existence, overlaying those entities not in their true forms, those hiding behind human (or at the very least, humanoid) guises in order to fool their enemies. Or in the case of Regulations Force operatives, the forms they had adopted to ensure the very humans they protected weren't frightened of them. Forms they themselves had grown so accustomed to they seldom donned their true ones.

A rosy light followed on the tails of Sensory, surrounding Gwen and thrumming with a power second only to Unrestrained's. In response, the Spectrum's ether began rippling between its natural hues, filling Forneus with a sense of urgency he couldn't place.

What in the name of the gods is going on?

From a glance it appeared Phenex had felt it too, as had the council gods barely a few feet away. But unlike the gods, a low rumble had started from Phenex's throat, golden light surrounding him in a radiant, incandescent bubble.

By this time, Set no longer seemed content to just fire on them from afar. Liquid amber eyes narrowed with displeasure as he alighted gently onto the platform. Full Egyptian dress clad him from head to toe; a white, form-fitting robe covering to mid-shin, with golden bangles and other bits of jewellery dangling about his throat, upper arms, and bare ankles.

"I grow weary of your games." His gaze smouldered, belying the calm in his voice. "Apophis may have been easily thwarted by your efforts, but you will find me to be a far more cunning opponent." His gaze flickered past them to where Gwen continued her battle of wills with Lucas, overpowering him with Sensory.

Forneus set his jaw, angry sparks dancing down the length of his right arm while the tingling warmth of the Light of Mythos began condensing in his left palm. Beside him, Phenex glowed all the brighter, the rumble in his throat turning to muted chuckles. From the barely restrained battle lust burning in his eyes, it wasn't any wonder. But when Forneus felt an outside source of power flooding through his veins next, he understood; there was more to Phenex's fervor than simple battle lust.

As if in answer, Gwen's voice entered his mind, and from the way Phenex cocked his head ever so slightly, he could hear her, too. "I know what my last gift is, what the Amethyst of Unity gave me—gave us. And I know what came from my—I mean, the final seal."

Summon cut out briefly while Gwen continued her battle with Lucas. It was just as well, for at that moment, Set released a blast of dark energy, the beam of black, gauzy ether streaking through the air toward them like so many outstretched fingers. Forneus responded with his barrier, infusing it with a concentrated dose of Reversal to ensure Set got back at least twice what he gave. Set stepped to one side as the black energy boomeranged back at him, his expression one of boredom as he readied another strike.

Neither Forneus nor Phenex gave him the chance. Still holding onto the Light of Mythos' energy, Forneus pushed as much of his will into it as possible, and with a thrust of his arm, released it in a single, brilliant blast of light. At the same time, Phenex closed the distance between himself and Set, and once the light cleared, leapt into the air to deliver a blazing punch toward the god.

Set evaded the strike at the last second, leaving Phenex to punch the platform where he'd just been standing. Jagged cracks erupted across the surface, Phenex's curse cut off when Set retaliated with another blast of dark ether, infusing it with godly might. It took on a sickly green hue, strafing a severe line between where he stood, and where Forneus had been just a second before. In the midst of dodging, Phenex leapt directly into its path, a brief grunt of pain escaping his lips before he hit the platform, face-first.

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