Chapter Twenty-Three, Part One

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"I hope Notus's information is good," Phenex said sometime later. "Otherwise this whole thing's pointless."

"Have a little faith. He wouldn't be much of a regional governor if he didn't know at least a little something about the pure ether locations. Remember, it was the duty of the governors to familiarize themselves with the pasts of their respective regions before being granted the station."

Phenex scoffed. "Oh, come on. We both know the only reason they became Mythos' governors is because no one else wanted the job." Then as an afterthought, he added, "That, and the whole 'directional affiliation' thing."

"Regardless, there isn't a doubt in my mind Notus has pointed us in the right direction."

Gwen listened to Phenex and Forneus talk for the duration of their journey down the plateau, only offering the odd comment here or there, too preoccupied with her own thoughts and finding her footing on the winding path to do much else. The stretch of crescent-shaped forestry below seemed much friendlier in the light of day, traces of bright red and silver dotted throughout the varying shades of green. The distant trickle of water could be heard, though from her vantage point, Gwen couldn't make out a stream anywhere.

Before long, they had ventured into Vatra Woods, Forneus gripping Gwen's hand as they descended the steep inclines while Phenex carved a path through dense foliage. Fortunately, it didn't take much work, and with a little bit of Forneus's earthen arts thrown in for good measure, they made short work of it with barely a tree or bush marred.

It was then, as they began their trek down the narrow, trodden path, that Gwen caught the glimmer of water reflecting on the underside of the broad-headed leaves; so laden with fragrant blossoms and fruit, the branches hung as far down as her waist. Shortly after, she caught sight of the stream, only it wasn't a stream at all, but a spring—a shallow hole rimmed with sheets of naturally-formed obsidian around the edges.

"A hot spring?" she wondered aloud.

"You'll find a lot of those around here," Phenex confirmed, brushing past a thick cluster of Ignisian saplings. "Mythos isn't so different from Earth. Hot springs form close to volcanoes, or at least, close to pockets of magma."

Gwen nodded, humming appreciatively at the steam rising off of the water's surface. Crystal clear with the barest hint of aquamarine, the pool bubbled, frothing gently at the edges and spilling over onto the volcanic glass.

"It's beautiful." That was about as much as she got out before they started moving again, skirting around the hot spring and down a rocky bluff with scraggly weeds that Gwen found useful for handholds.

Though the descent was much easier than the climb the night before, Gwen still found herself panting for breath. The physical exhaustion of both their journey and the random flickering of her Magic Sight and Sensory drained her of what little energy she had. And considering she'd scarcely slept in Notus's sanctuary, thanks to the howling and screeching of the nocturnal fauna, she didn't doubt her reserves were in the negative.

As if to confirm this, she stumbled, her legs giving out under her so suddenly that had she had the strength, she still wouldn't have been able to react.

"Perhaps you should rest," Forneus suggested, catching hold of her. "The Ignisian Village is close by. I can carry you the rest of the way."

Gwen wanted to argue, wanted to tell him she wasn't a toddler and could walk on her own, but when her legs remained limp under her, her muscles not obeying her commands to straighten, she simply nodded. Feeling her face starting to burn, she tucked it against his shoulder, hoping he would think it was done out of exhaustion and not embarrassment.

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