Chapter Eleven, Part One

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All this walking, and still no closer to where we need to be.

The thought crossed Gwen's mind for about the twentieth time in as many minutes, her mouth twisting in displeasure. Two days had passed since the Wolf Corps had confirmed Reeves' presence in Mythos, the group having been on the move ever since. The wolves had pushed on ahead right after that, undoubtedly to clear the way of whatever dangers lay ahead, though no one confirmed this one way or the other.

Getting only five hours of sleep in the last forty-eight hours certainly wasn't helping Gwen's mood, but she knew she would have been just as annoyed with their lack of progress even after a full night's sleep. If it hadn't been for Forneus going out of his way to turn their travels into a hands-on learning opportunity, and if not for Aquis and Rem engaging her in conversation over their experiences and listening as she spoke of hers, Gwen likely would have snapped hours ago.

Not even Phenex's usual teasing was enough to keep her irritation at bay anymore, though given his current company, Cienna clinging to his arm as though unable to move under her own power, all trace of teasing was absent, replaced by a near-permanent scowl.

The panicked jolt in the pit of her stomach as her left foot slipped on the rain-slicked stone under her brought Gwen's attention back to the task at hand. Arm shooting out on instinct, she caught herself on a thin tree branch and closed her eyes, taking deep, calming breaths to slow the erratic beating of her heart.

Cool, misty air clung to her cheeks, coating her eyelashes in little dew droplets and causing her clothes to cling to her in damp folds. After the humidity at the heart of the forest, the coolness of the Silvestrian Isles was a welcome reprieve, even if she had spent most of her time perpetually damp.

"You okay there, Gwen?" Aquis laid a delicate hand on her arm, the pale blue skin of her fingers shimmering as she transitioned from liquid to solid form.

Gwen nodded, offering her a grateful smile. "Yeah, just lost my footing for a second there. Thanks." She watched as Aquis melded with the water she'd just risen from, her translucent form standing out amid the crystal blue waters where the Dryadian River and Undinean Sea met. The water lapped at the surrounding rocks when she propelled herself forward, sifting through tight crevices to re-emerge on the other side.

Forneus glanced back from his position three rocks ahead of Gwen, a brief flicker of concern shadowing his face until he noticed that both her feet were firmly planted on the smooth, black surface of the river stone she'd just leapt to. His gaze flicked to the branch still clenched between her fingers, and he nodded understanding when his eyes continued past to the thin tree growing from the river's shallows.

Flumine Cypress. That's what Aquis had called them when Gwen had asked during their first day together in Mythos. Apparently it was a mutation taken from a species of cypress common to Earth, though Gwen couldn't remember which one. With the care of both the Dryads and Naiads in the area some three hundred years ago, the localization of the trees had proven successful.

Of course, Gwen hadn't needed Aquis to tell her that much. All she had to do was look around at the thick clusters of milky-white trunks and silvery-green pine needles to see it was true. Wherever there weren't massive river rocks meant for crossing, there were trees, jutting up from the swirling, cool waters to offer shade from the overbearing sun above.

Gingerly, Gwen put her foot on the next river stone, digging the treads of her left shoe in while she hoisted herself over with the cypress tree's aid. Forneus had already covered two more stones ahead of her, and she could hear Rem closing the gap between them with Phenex and Cienna only a short ways behind.

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