Chapter Thirteen, Part Two

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Horus didn't seem surprised to see them, but that in and of itself wasn't surprising, either.

Forneus stepped forward, the first to shake the Egyptian god's hand in greeting. "Horus, thank you for having us."

"I couldn't very well refuse now, could I?" Horus's tone was teasing, his mismatched eyes twinkling with amusement. "Your water-faring friend told me all about your plight. Young Miss Lamelle's trials, the instructions issued by the Moirai—everything. So," he said, clapping his hands together, "what can I do to help?"

A loud gurgle followed his question, and Gwen clutched her stomach, blushing. "Sorry."

"No need to fret," Horus said, chuckling. "Come, a banquet has been laid out in anticipation of your arrival." He swept his arm toward where the sole table, small as it was, lay hidden beneath platters of brass and silver. Rolls, meats, and fruits were all spread out in an appetizing array, with decanters of water, juice, and wine staggered between. A single lamp sat in the table's centre, bathing the platters in soft yellow light.

"I don't know who does your catering," said Gwen, "but if they do 'Sweet Sixteen' parties, I'm in."

This earned a round of chuckles from everyone present, and they settled into their seats; Forneus taking the chair on Gwen's left while Phenex took the one on her right. Rem, Cienna, and Aquis followed, leaving Horus to take the chair at the head of the table, the lit sconce on the wall behind him causing the golden skin of his bare arms to glisten.

As everyone tucked in to their food of choice—Phenex sampling some of the fruit ambrosia, while Aquis nibbled at a seaweed and flounder salad—Horus spoke again, eyes sparkling with excitement.

"I nearly forgot. There's been word from Hades, and from your friends back in Geminus. Both have made contact with others from the Spectrum." His expression grew grave, the corners of his mouth tightening slightly. "And not all of them friendly."

Forneus, who had been in the process of bringing a glass of wine to his lips, set it back down again. "How many? And where?"

His wasn't the only tension permeating the cavern. One glance in Phenex's direction revealed the good-natured grin of moments before darkening into a scowl, gold-amber eyes blazing. Rem's expression was nearly identical, only containing less heat than Phenex's. Gwen and Aquis shared a worried glance between them, but it was Cienna's reaction most of all that caught Forneus off guard.

The nymph was already naturally pale, her skin a soft ivory colour. But in her fear, her complexion had blanched to an unhealthy grey. From the way her gaze flickered, it seemed she would either be sick or faint; perhaps both. This didn't go unnoticed by Rem, sitting on Cienna's right. When she began to slump in her seat, Rem rested a hand on her shoulder, his voice barely audible as he began murmuring assurances into her ear.

Nearly everyone's attention was on them now, Forneus's question momentarily forgotten as Horus had his staff bring Cienna a decanter of Mythos' best vintage; a wine known for its restorative capabilities among the Fae.

Cienna gulped this down without the slightest hesitation, colour returning to her cheeks. "Thank you," she said, her voice hoarse. She opened her mouth as if to say something else, then snapped it shut, looking mildly embarrassed.

"It's quite all right," Horus assured her. "I expect being so deep below the sea's surface has done its part. Dryads are meant to be in the open air, not crammed within stifling underwater caverns." He smiled at her, mismatched eyes bright with sympathy.

Cienna didn't refute his claim, but from the knowing glances that flitted around the table, Forneus knew their location was the least of Cienna's concerns. No doubt her mind had drifted to Apollo, and to whomever else among her colleagues still remained faithful to him. He kept silent for her sake, but Forneus recalled all too often hearing Cienna's quiet weeping in the night, just the slightest hiccup of breath giving her away.

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