Chapter Six, Part One

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By luck or design, Forneus and Phenex hadn't been separated during their trek through the portal. By yet more fortune, they'd learned that Gwen had landed fairly close to their position in Mythos. While they had wound up on the western ridge of the central continent, overlooking the Undinean Sea from a rocky cliff-face overgrown with twisted trees and scraggly vines, rumour had it that Gwen had landed in the Valley of the Sylph.

It took them the better majority of the day to travel from one end of the continent to the other, asking every entity they met along the way if they'd seen a girl with shoulder-length blonde hair and eyes the green of jade. No one had seen her, though a few directed them toward the Alitura Outpost, where two elven scouts were said to have seen a girl bearing her description.

Forneus was experiencing the beginning stages of fatigue when they came upon the outpost, a small rectangular building built of driftwood, its thatched roof sagging slightly. Lamps hung from its eaves, the unmistakable phosphorescent glow of Pari fire burning within them. Phenex murmured appreciatively beside him, and squaring their shoulders, the two stepped through the narrow entryway into the outpost lobby together, a stark difference from the rustic air portrayed by the outside.

Floors of dark marble gleamed beneath a low ceiling bearing simple, wrought-iron chandeliers, their lights similar to the fluorescents used on Earth, only in tones of bluish-white instead of yellow. Walls of white tile bore placards and modern portraits, each bearing the name of a member of the Outpost's staff.

Several Alitura bustled about, all clad in earth-tone tunics and breeches with leather jerkins, hempen belts slung across their hips. Other entities milled about, either in the pursuit of help from the elves or working alongside them. Upon hearing his and Phenex's shared footfalls, a few turned around, conversation forgotten as they narrowed shrewd eyes on them.

"Can I help you?" A russet-skinned elf stepped forward, brushing a strip of dirt from his sleeve, brown eyes bright with curiosity.

Forneus took the initiative to address him first. "Yes, we were hoping you or one of your comrades may have seen our young companion?" Forneus gave the elf the same description he'd given to every entity they'd met along their travels, indicating Gwen's height in comparison with his own, since those in Mythos didn't use the measurement systems common on Earth.

"I haven't seen her, but I believe Laetus and Kessinger have." The elf gestured toward two others standing at the opposite end of the lobby, the broad leaves of a potted plant obscuring them from sight.

Fortunately, they appeared to have heard their names mentioned, and both moved into view. The one with long, blond hair stood a foot taller than his curly-haired companion, though both possessed the same lithe stature.

The elf who had called them by name started to say something, when the shorter of the two cut him off, extending his hand first to Forneus, then Phenex. "Hi, I'm Kessinger," he said, his voice softer than Forneus had expected. "You must be Miss Lamelle's companions. She'll be relieved to know you've arrived."

"You mean Gwen's still here?" Phenex asked, darting a glance around the lobby. "Can you take us to her?"

"Of course." The one named Laetus stepped forward, wearing an affable smile. "If you would follow me, I'd be happy to lead you to her lodgings."

They exited the lobby, Laetus leading them back down the way they had come. Or at least, part of the way. The straight, narrow path that had brought them to the outpost broke off into several footpaths, each winding between an assortment of modest, wooden buildings similar to the outpost, only with much sturdier roofs and steps leading up to polished wooden doors. Each building had a single lantern hanging above the door, brilliant yellow flames dancing behind frosted glass covers.

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