Chapter Thirty-Five, Part One

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Twelve hours later, Forneus and Phenex were summoned to the council chamber.

So too, it appeared, was every other operative and Mythosian ally. Bodies swarmed through the enclosed corridors and across crystalline bridges, down the spiralling staircases leading to the Central Junction. Still more rose from the levels below, emerging from their temporary lodgings with much yawning and grumbling.

Neither said a word as they entered the council chamber, climbed the steps, and dropped to one knee atop the dais. With nods from the Third Echelon members, Hermes beaming a tired smile in their direction, they shuffled toward the row of seats the gods had provided, taking their place among the operatives that had arrived before them and allowing those behind to filter into the vast, spherical chamber. Spotting Terran in the front row, Phenex led the way toward him, Forneus giving a curt nod in greeting to Asclepius and Lyka as they passed the fifth row. Off to the right, the strategy table was curiously dark, not a single ethereal projection or light shining from its quartz surface.

Several minutes passed as the council waited for everyone to be seated. Forneus idly drummed his fingers on his knee, scanning the sea of faces appearing over the last few steps before they stopped at the dais, bowing to the gods and heading toward the remaining seats. Only once the last operative had plunked down in their chair did Zeus speak, his voice amplified by the curvature of the chamber's walls.

"As I am sure you're all aware, the war is finally over. This does not mean, however, that our work is done." Zeus paused, weathered fingers grasping the arms of his throne tightly. "Our first objective at this time is to set things right on Earth. As humans are meant to remain wholly unaware of our existence and the existence of our enemies, this is also the task that will require the most work."

Shrewd blue eyes scanned those seated, and rising from his throne, he began to pace the width of the Upper Echelon platform, each clack of his boots echoing sharply. "Only after things are taken care of on Earth will restoring the Spectrum's infrastructure commence."

Voices murmured in the seats behind them, Forneus catching only snippets of whispered conversation before Zeus called upon Athena to say her piece, rendering the rest of the voices silent.

Long, strawberry-blonde hair flowed around Athena's shoulders when she stood, gripping the edge of the Second Echelon box seat with thin, freckled fingers. Violet-flecked, sea-green eyes trailed from one row of seated operatives and Mythosian allies to the other, the goddess of wisdom taking a moment to collect herself before speaking.

"You may notice some of our number are currently absent," she began, indicating the sixth row where only three of the Sixth Unit's twenty-two operatives were seated. "That is because as we speak, Commander Gilgamesh and the better majority of his operatives are currently undertaking war relief efforts in Mythos, along with a select number of volunteers from the Spectrum's citizenry. Lord Mars has more information on that subject. Lord Mars, if you would be so kind as to take the floor."

Mars rose from his seat next to her, his expression somber. "In reference to Mythos, all enemies currently awaiting trial in Boreas's dungeons will be transferred to the Spectrum over the course of the next few days." Clearing his throat, he went on, "Once judgment has been passed on them, their prison-placement will be decided. This means lesser criminals will likely do time in Anubis's domain, while the worst will be imprisoned in the realm second only to Nowhere—Tartarus. Any defectors who escaped imprisonment within Nowhere during the battle will automatically go to Tartarus, without trial. Any questions?"

Hearing a polite cough directly behind him, Forneus shifted in his seat, glancing over his shoulder to see who it had come from.

Pantha stared past him, not bothering to so much as glance his way as she directed her gaze first at Mars, then Athena. "Yes, I have one." She cleared her throat again, her gaze flitting in Forneus's direction briefly before continuing. "Now that the new tenth seal is trapped in Nowhere along with the convicts, how do we know they won't drain its power and break out again?"

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