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~Fifteen years later~

It wasn't the first time they'd gone back to check up on Gwen, but it would be the last. Phenex knew this, just as assuredly as Forneus did—even if neither of them could bring themselves to say it out loud.

Though the ache had dulled over time, it was still there; just the slightest twinge, deep within Phenex's core. It was time they moved on, and looking at Gwen from the outside (the now thirty-year-old completely unaware of their presence), it was clear she had succeeded in doing just that.

Peering at her from the dense foliage of the maple tree, Phenex experienced another spasm, the ache within his chest bittersweet. While there was no doubt in his mind Gwen remembered them, maybe even thought of and missed them in those quiet moments sprinkled throughout her everyday life, there was no denying the simple fact playing out before him: Gwen was happy.

"Seized by curiosity, Jenny reached out and touched the stone, marvelling at its beauty," Gwen's voice drifted out to them from the open window, much matured now though still carrying that familiar passion Phenex remembered so fondly. Beside him, a ghost of a smile curled Forneus's lips, the other's silver gaze fixed on the window where, despite the sun's glare, Gwen could be seen sitting on a chair between two single beds; both bearing girls with the same, jade-green eyes as their mother, their curly locks a dark shade of caramel in contrast to Gwen's honey-blonde bob.

The twin girls, no more than four-years-old, listened with rapt attention as Gwen continued on, the one nearest the window with her mouth gaping. "The next thing Jenny knew, there was a bright flash of light! When next she opened her eyes, the pretty stone and all of the other, strange things had disappeared. Can you guess what happened next?"

Even from his vantage point, Phenex could see the crinkles at the corners of Gwen's eyes, her lips tilting ever so slightly at her daughters' dumbfounded expressions.

"No mommy," said the one nearest the window, her voice breathy. "What happened?"

"Yeah mom, what happened next?" the other asked, bouncing excitedly.

Gwen answered, her voice soft. "Well, when the flash of light had faded, Jenny found a strange man in her kitchen, glowing bright silver." She paused for effect, her gaze darting from one girl to the other, eyes warm and bright.

Phenex and Forneus listened to her story awhile longer, the latter chuckling softly now and again, though neither dared to move from their positions; Phenex standing one limb higher, gripping the upper branches with his left hand while the right rested comfortably in his coat pocket.

When at last Gwen's story had come to a halt—Gwen promising amid her daughters' wheedling to tell more the next night—they watched as she went to the door. Blowing a kiss to the two girls snuggled deep in their beds, she closed the bedroom door behind her, leaving only their nightlight to cast its soft, orange glow throughout their toy-strewn room.

"Quite the interesting tale," Forneus said at length, one eyebrow quirking upward as he met Phenex's gaze, his mouth tilted into a knowing grin.

"That's one way of putting it." Phenex shook his head, a soft laugh escaping him. The names might have changed, but there was no doubt about it: the story was theirs.


Catching movement from the corner of his eye, Phenex lowered his gaze to the main floor window. Beyond the sheer curtain, a light had flickered to life, illuminating the living room beyond. He could just make out the figure of a man sitting on the couch against the right-hand wall, hair the same shade as the twin girls upstairs curling about his ears. When Gwen walked into the room, he glanced up, offering her a smile. Gwen settled onto the couch beside him, balancing a bowl of popcorn in the crook of one arm and grabbing up the TV remote with the other.

As she leaned closer to her husband, Phenex turned away, Forneus silently following him as they descended the tree, both careful not to draw the attention of the house's occupants in the process.

"She's done well for herself," Forneus said after a moment, his gaze lingering on the living room window a moment longer. "I think she'll be just fine from here on out."

Phenex nodded, the bittersweet ache in his chest gradually lessening. "Yeah, you're right. There's nothing more for us to do here." Then expelling a breath, "Let's go."

Just before they departed, Phenex cast one last backward glance over his shoulder. A smile quirked his lips. Good for you, Gwen.

He and Forneus exchanged one last look before teleporting, both relaying the same thing with that brief glance; Gwen was where she belonged.


Well, there you have it--the conclusion to the Whispers of Nowhere Trilogy. Thank you so much to everyone who has read, voted, and commented on these stories. I hope you enjoyed taking this journey with Gwen and co. as much as I enjoyed writing it; that in following their trials and triumphs, you were able to find a bit of yourself on the page.

As always, this won't be the published version, but it's likely to be the last draft I share here on Wattpad--at least for a long while. If/when I have any updates--be it in regards to publishing the sequels, giveaways, or what have you--I'll be sure to post on my page.

Until then, I hope you've enjoyed the series, and I hope to share more stories with you in the future. <3

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