Chapter Twenty-Three, Part Two

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Their stay in the Ignisian Village had been shorter than expected. Not only had Lasair turned out to be nicer than Gwen had originally thought—though still very curt in conversation—the elven villagers had seen fit to restock what few supplies were beginning to run low.

Though Gwen hadn't attended Forneus's and Phenex's discussion with Lady Taciuni, she did have the privilege of meeting her afterward. With almond-shaped eyes the colour of polished tiger's eye, flawless, tanned skin, and a willowy figure beneath airy clothing in hues of green and blue, Lady Taciuni proved to be as warm and kind as her smile was bright.

Before long, they had built up something of a dialogue; Gwen listening as Lady Taciuni regaled her with some of her more humorous anecdotes about life in the Ignisian Village, and Gwen giving her as brief a summary as she could of her own exploits from the time Forneus and Phenex had found her until now.

Unfortunately, the pleasant company she'd found in Lady Taciuni and her elite guard came to an end all too soon, and with satchels strapped around their waists and shoulders, they departed the Ignisian Village. Gwen spared it one last glance as they approached the western gate, her gaze flitting from the modest houses carved of jet and obsidian, to the pebbled walkways that spread out into intricate spirals, all of which rejoined at the village Help Centre, where a massive bonfire burned night and day.

The last sounds she heard were the merchants crying their wares—of which, Lady Taciuni had seen fit to gift her with all manner of beautiful bangles and beaded charms—before descending the lichen-covered slopes into Vatra Woods' denser foliage.

"Next stop, the Barren Lands," Phenex announced, once they'd picked up a brisker pace. Then as an afterthought, he added, "I hope Lady Taciuni's intel was good."

"Considering said intel is in regards to her people's history? Oh, I have an inkling it might be." There was no mistaking the dry note in Forneus's voice, Gwen catching the flicker of amusement that creased the corners of his eyes. "Though it is curious that the pure ether point would be in a place otherwise devoid of ether." His grin faded, expression fading to one of uncertainty.

"We'll find out soon enough. Feeling up to using your talents?" This was directed at Gwen, Phenex nudging her shoulder when she didn't immediately notice.

"What? Oh, yeah." Gwen felt her face flush. "Just give me a second."

Closing her eyes, she regulated her breathing, taking a deep inhale and releasing it slowly. The result was instantaneous. No sooner had the images of wriggling tendrils flashed through her mind did they physically take form. Gwen opened her eyes, unsurprised to see the translucent ribbons extending from either side of her head to wave lazily in the air, as if caught in an autumn breeze. Coolness flowed from her forehead down her jawline, simultaneously soothing and rejuvenating.

With her Magic Sight fully awakened, Gwen moved onto the next step; Sensory. What had been so difficult before had become almost second-nature, Gwen opening her eyes to watch the ethereal framework rise up around them piece by piece like a pixilated display. First came their surroundings, though judging from the fact that it wasn't a perfectly overlaid image, Vatra Woods' topography had changed greatly since the elven clans' feuding days.

Trees no longer standing—some of which were present in the deadwood around her—stood tall and proud, mere saplings compared to the giants they'd become before their imminent deaths. The land had more dips and valleys as well, with sprawling fields of wild flowers where now only shale could be seen.

Gwen tore her gaze away from the memory imprint of a younger land, and took a tentative step forward. She followed the mentally-projected ribbons through the forest, watching as they wove between the lower branches of the surrounding trees and through massive boulders erected here and there.

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