Chapter Twenty-Six, Part One

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It had taken nearly two hours, but they'd finally made it.

Zephyrus's mansion loomed in front of them, Gwen drinking it in with one hand shielding her eyes. The sunlight reflected off the building, and she had to squint in order to see it. Walls as white as virgin snow, nearly as blinding—and the glare off its many windows certainly wasn't helping matters.

"Damn it." Phenex's curse caught Gwen off guard, and she turned to see what had caused it.

Breath left her in a sharp gasp, her eyes widening at the assortment of spears, swords, and other, less conventional weapons being levelled at them. Elves clad in silver armour encircled them, long hair and pointed ears poking out from beneath their half helms, while eyes in varying shades of blue, green, and brown glared from beneath lowered brows.

Where did they come from? Gwen glanced surreptitiously from one side of the courtyard to the other. All she could see beyond the flowering trees and solitary fish pond was the escarpment. Rocky teeth rose up on either side of Zephyrus's property to form a protective cage, bits of greenery trapped in the crevices like spinach.

Given the circumstances, it was a strange thing to notice. But even when she drew her attention back to the guards encircling them, she still couldn't figure out just where they had come from. A secret passageway through the rocks, maybe? It seemed the only plausible answer, since Gwen and the others stood between the guards and the mansion's only visible entrance.

"Who dares trespass in Lord Zephyrus's courtyard?" One of the guards stepped forward, the tip of his ethereal blade poised barely a foot from Phenex's chest.

There was an exhalation of breath from beside her, and Gwen glanced up in time to see Phenex roll his eyes. "For the love of Apollo," he muttered. Then louder, "Stand down. I'm special operative Phenex, of the Regulations Force First Unit. These are my companions."

"Look, special operative Phenex," the guard declared, eyes flashing, "no one who comes to Lord Zephyrus's manse is above reproach—regardless of who you say you are."

"Regulations Force indeed," muttered another. "Bunch of gryphon spit if you ask me."

"Peace." Forneus stepped forward, positioning himself between Gwen and the guards nearest to her. A golden glow started beneath the cuff of his sleeve, forming a ball of light in the palm of his outstretched hand.

The first guard to have spoken stiffened. Then eyeing the golden light, he lowered his weapon. The guards behind him began murmuring amongst themselves, several sharing uncertain glances while understanding lit the expressions of others.

After a beat, the guard spoke again. "The Light of Mythos." His gaze lifted to Forneus, eyes squinting as he took him in from head to toe. "You must be the guardian who trained under Master Gliocas four score ago."

"Thereabouts," Forneus replied, frowning. "I'm sorry, but have we had the privilege of meeting before?"

The guard sheathed his sword, and levelling one, gauntlet-clad hand behind him, said, "Everyone, stand down. They are no enemies of ours." To Forneus, he replied, "My apologies. No, we have not. But Master Gliocas spoke most highly of you when I was under his tutelage. A former pupil of my late master is a friend of mine."

Gwen exhaled a slow, shaky breath, relieved when the rest of the elven guards began tucking their weapons away; some sliding them into sheaths at their hips, while others strapped their spears and other long, bladed weapons across their backs.

"My name is Statherós." The guard stuck out his hand, Forneus taking it in his own and shaking it. "I am captain of Lord Zephyrus's elite guard. Please, forgive my earlier rudeness. We can't be too careful in these troubling times."

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