Chapter Fifteen, Part Two

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Gwen awoke to Forneus at her bedside, eyes closed with his chin propped on his fist. It took her muddled brain a confused moment before she remembered what had happened the night before, her heart jumping into her throat when she did.

Lucas. He had tried to attack her while she'd been sleeping, but something had alerted her to his presence before he could act. Gwen sat up slowly, rubbing her temples with the first two fingers of both hands, trying to put everything into focus. After she'd woken up, screaming, Forneus and Phenex had barged in, coming through the door that connected her room to theirs. There were sounds of a scuffle, furniture toppling over and a brilliant streak of orange flame—and then Lucas was gone.

Afterward, Eurus and a group of his servants had come in, and then...

That's right... Phenex went looking for Lucas. I wonder if he's found him yet.

"You're awake."

Gwen gave a start, head whipping round in Forneus's direction. She hadn't heard him so much as shift, nearly forgetting his presence while lost in thought. He sat forward, elbows resting on his knees, the top of his dress shirt rumpled and unbuttoned. Wavy black hair stuck up in places, slightly unkempt, grey circles beneath his eyes.

I haven't seen Forneus this worn out since... Gwen bit her lip, studying him. She couldn't remember how long it had been, but it worried her. Forneus wasn't so easily done in, not by anything. It took a lot more than missing a few hours' sleep to wear him down.

Rubbing the sleep from her eyes, she said, "Sort of. A bit more than you, at least." She tried to give him a teasing smile, but it didn't reach her eyes. "You don't look so good. Are you okay?"

Forneus's expression softened, taking some of the edge from his haggard appearance. "Your concern is touching, but I assure you, I'm quite all right." Getting to his feet, he glanced around the room, seeming momentarily confused. "Ah, yes. I'd almost forgotten."

Gwen watched as he disappeared through the door on the opposite side of the room, slowly lowering her feet to the floor and leaning forward until she could see him through the door's crack. She needn't have bothered. Forneus returned barely a minute later, polished boots clutched in one hand, his frock coat in the other.

As he settled onto the chaise, tugging his boots on, he squinted toward the window on the right. "It's just past dawn. By my estimation, about six-thirty in the morning," he said. "Eurus is no doubt having his people prepare breakfast as we speak." He glanced at Gwen, lips twitching into a weary smile. "If you wish to perform your ablutions, now would be the time."

Gwen raised a hand to her hair, cheeks burning when she felt the rat's nest at the very back. "Right." Shuffling to her feet, she made her way to the bathroom facilities, rushing through her morning routine to emerge ten minutes later, a towel wrapped around her.

Seeing that Forneus was still there, she blushed again. "Um...I kind of need to get dressed. Think you could—?"

"Of course." Forneus swept from the room, keeping his back to her with the door between them slightly ajar. "My apologies, Gwen. After last night, I don't wish to take any chances. You understand, I'm sure?"

Gwen nodded, then remembering he couldn't see her, she said, "Yeah, I kind of figured." It didn't take her long to track down her training gear, freshly washed and mended with her satchel of supplies sitting on the footstool next to her bed. Dressing quickly, she asked, "Has Phenex come back yet?"

"Briefly. He checked in about two hours ago, said he was going to sweep the palace's lower levels next."

"I wonder if Lucas is even still here."

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