Chapter Thirty-Two

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"Gwen? Hey, Gwen."

A warm hand patted her cheek, Phenex's concerned expression coming into focus.

"C'mon, snap out of it."

It took Gwen a long moment to remember where she was, and what had happened. She sat up with a groan, pressing a hand to her throbbing temples. "Are they gone?"

"In a manner of speaking," Phenex replied, glancing over his shoulder toward the figure Gwen hadn't even realized was there. "See? I told you she'd be okay."

"You can boast later," came Forneus's brisk reply, and he moved forward, stepping into Gwen's line of sight. "Right now we need to find Lucas. Unless we get the bottled ether back from him, everything else we do will be in vain."

"To do that, we'll have to crash his little Time Chamber take-over plan," Phenex added, helping Gwen to her feet. "Think you're up for travelling between realms?"

"Do we really have a choice?" Gwen winced, closing her eyes against the brief flash of pain that came with standing. When it subsided, she turned to Forneus. "How are we going to find him? I thought the portals on this level change every few days?"

"Most of them do," Forneus admitted, "but this one is different. Special. It's difficult to explain, but I should be able to find it."

Gwen wanted to ask how, but thought better of it. There would be time enough for questions later—assuming they survived. Giving her head a shake to clear away the negative turn of her thoughts, Gwen focused her attention elsewhere, intending to take stock of the battles still raging throughout the Spectrum's core, only to stop short when her gaze caught the group standing off to the side, speaking in hushed tones.

Apollo caught her eye briefly, giving her a fleeting smile before returning to what appeared to be a serious discussion between the council members. She might have been confused as to how they were managing to have a full-blown discussion with the Spectrum still under attack, had she not caught the glimmer of a vast, green dome flickering over them.

For the first time since coming to, Gwen looked at Forneus. Not the passing glance she had given him before, but really looked at him. Both hands were extended to either side, his chest rapidly rising and falling with laboured breaths as he maintained the massive barrier. No wonder he'd sounded so impatient with Phenex a moment ago; it must have been taking all of his concentration just to keep the enemies out for this long even with help from the gods.

She could see flickers of gold and silver chasing each other through the barrier's usual green glow, Apollo and Artemis holding a hand out each to fortify Forneus's defenses with their own while still in the midst of their discussion. Vaguely, Gwen was aware that both Forneus and Phenex had lapsed into silence, their gazes locked on the gods much the same as hers was, bearing identical frowns with their brows drawn tight.

They must be listening to the council's discussion, she realized, straining her own ears. Despite her efforts, she couldn't make out more than the murmur of their voices, but with the way Hermes hefted the few artifacts in his arms—Isis and Osiris holding the rest—it was obvious their conversation had something to do with the ritual.

Phenex had just started to mutter something under his breath when Horus broke away from the others, his lips pressed into a thin line, eyes shining with worry. "The good news is, we are ready to perform the ritual." No one spoke, waiting for Horus to go on. "The bad news is, between the battles raging here, in Geminus, and on Earth, our forces are spread too thin. Unless at least one of you remain behind to offer us support, there is no assurance we will be able to complete the ritual without interruption."

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