Chapter Three, Part Two

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Gwen stared at the figure that had appeared behind them, mouth gaping in a mixture of fear and awe. Sallow-skinned with high cheek bones, he emitted an air of dignity, his tall form wrapped in robes of drab grey. Peppery hair swept back from his forehead in thick curls, almost white at the temples and darker grey with hints of black everywhere else. Dark brown eyes flicked toward her, as if feeling her gaze.

"Good evening," he said, extending one of his pale hands, his fingers skeletally thin. "I'm Hades, as you are no doubt well aware. Would I be correct in assuming you are the famed Miss Lamelle?"

"Please, just Gwen." Gwen took his hand, gasping at the ice-coldness of his fingers. "Did you say evening?" she asked, brow furrowing in confusion. Hadn't it just been morning?

"The flow of time in Geminus is different than it is here," Forneus said by way of explanation, clearly having discerned her meaning. "Think of it as being the difference between time on Earth, and time in the Spectrum."

Forneus took Hades' hand next, pumping it once. The sleeve of Hades' robe fell back, revealing a tattoo on his forearm, glowing indigo blue; the exact same mark Gwen had seen on the door that had led to the maze, and thus, to him. "We apologize for dropping in so unexpectedly, but as you undoubtedly know, we had little choice."

"It seems much has transpired since last I ascended into the upper realms." A wry grin twisted Hades' lip, lighting his eyes as his greetings continued on to Phenex. "As it so happens, I am well informed. The severing of the link between the Spectrum and here could hardly go unnoticed—though I fear much worse has followed as a result." He withdrew his hand, hiding it within the folds of his robes once again.

"How so?" Phenex asked, mirroring Hades as he stuffed his own hands into his coat pockets.

"Come," Hades beckoned, "we will discuss it on the way to your quarters." He dismissed Cerberus with a wave of his hand, the three-headed hound letting out a pitiful whine as he skulked away, tail tucked between his legs.

Gwen darted a sympathetic glance back at him as she hastened to keep up with the others, taking three steps for each one of their strides. The ruffled hem of her dress whispered against the stone floor, Forneus's and Phenex's footfalls echoing loudly off the walls. Hades appeared to glide across the floor, his robes remaining curiously smooth as he led the way.

As they walked, Forneus and Phenex took it in turns to tell Hades all that had happened ten days ago. How the Spectrum had been overrun by Apophis and his forces, and how those same forces had turned against him at Reeves' and Iris's behest. They told him of Set, considerably a greater threat than Apophis had been, for he had led the vanguard in battle.

Gwen listened idly, allowing her gaze to rove over the vast hall they had entered. Walls of glossy black stone gleamed back at her, blue firelight rippling across the surface where the torches lined them. Several feet from each wall were pillars of dark marble, whorls of white and grey accenting the polished stone. The floor was pale in contrast, powder blue tiles flecked with yellow and white. High above, the ceiling was vaulted just as the first corridor had been, only three times higher. Tiny chunks of crystal glittered down like thousands of stars.

As Forneus came to the end of their tale—when they had departed Geminus—Hades revealed that he'd known some of the details, though not of Set's return.

"Last I recall, he'd been declared dead." He shrugged one shoulder. "But then again, so had Apophis."

"By all accounts, he should have been," Phenex declared. "How either of them managed to escape with their lives intact is beyond me, but they did."

"What of the Underworld?" Forneus cut in. "Have you had contact with any of the other wardens?"

Hades shook his head. "No, I have not heard from Anubis for the past ten days now, though given what you've told me, this comes as no surprise. As to Ma'at, Hel and the others? It has been longer still. And my sweet Persephone..." His expression grew troubled, Gwen experiencing a pang of sympathy for him.

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