Chapter Fourteen, Part Two

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"Good enough reason for you?"

Phenex knew he should have kept his mouth shut, but he couldn't help it. After his assurances to Gwen, the chief had proven more disagreeable than he would have thought possible, threatening them before they'd had the chance to explain.

Still, to his credit, the old centaur had kept his counsel, contenting himself to stamp a hoof impatiently only a handful of times throughout the entire story. He didn't seem to mind when Forneus took over for Phenex, his expression even seeming to become more thoughtful the longer the other spoke.

"Watch your tone," Adras said now, though his voice had lost some of its earlier heat. "Stronger souls than you have begged mercy at the whipping posts for paying me insult."

A shiver went up Phenex's spine, glimpses of a memory from long ago flashing across his mind. "Sorry," he said, and meant it—albeit grudgingly. "It's been a trying journey. Please, accept my apologies." He ignored Gwen's astonished gaze, bowing his head in a show of contrition. Anger and shame prickled at the back of his neck, frustrated as much with himself as he was with their current circumstances. When he raised his head again, Adras appeared mollified, his expression softening into one of understanding.

"I don't doubt that. And to get caught by my scouts on your way to entreat Governor Eurus for guidance, of all things." Adras released a heavy sigh, the thick, muscled arms folded across his chest falling at his sides. "We are not unsympathetic to your plight. As you mean no harm to either my people or the neighbouring clans, you have my permission to continue onward. But first, allow me to give you shelter for the night. As the centaur of old were wont to say; 'Night fast approaches'—"

"—'unleashing all manner of unsavoury beasts to lurk in the shadows'," Phenex finished with a chuckle. "Particularly those that would just love to take a bite out of a soft little human girl like Gwen." He gave Gwen a teasing wink, her scowl deepening as he ruffled her hair.

"Just so," Adras agreed. A flicker of curiosity lit his face when he glanced at Gwen, fading just as quickly when he turned his attention to one of his attendants. "Please escort our guests to the dining hall. I will join them shortly."

"Thank you for your hospitality," Forneus said, inclining his head. "We are most grateful."

Adras waved dismissively, though Phenex could see the pleased glimmer in his eyes. "It's the least I can do, given the trouble Macava gave you on the way down. I'll have to have a long talk with Nadric about disciplining his colt. Youth these days..." His voice faded as he moved out from under the awning's protection, heading off to do whatever required attending before joining them in the dining hall.

"If you would come with me." A centaur Phenex hadn't noticed before stepped forward, not a hint of animosity lining his face. "I'll take you to the dining hall. The cooks are preparing something special in celebration of the season's harvest."

Phenex cast a curious glance at Forneus before following the centaur, keeping some distance between himself and the other's swishing tail. The tension previously felt upon entering the encampment had diminished somewhat, leaving an awkward, bordering-on-friendly atmosphere in its wake. The ring of the smith's hammer echoed from one end of the clearing to the other, complementing the calls of nighttime birds as the last of the sun's rays faded into twilight.

He was just beginning to relax, lulled into a sense of calm by the crickets chirping in the long grass, when their guide stiffened. Phenex felt the thrill of danger a second later, fire leaping to his fingertips the same moment the centaur drew the long bow from his back, nocking an arrow.

"Did you—" Forneus was cut off by a shrill howl from somewhere among the trees, rising in a cacophony as other voices joined the first. He said no more, summoning a crackling ball of electricity into his left hand while thrusting his right in front of Gwen, protecting her.

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