Chapter Thirty-One, Part One

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Nothing could have prepared Forneus for this.

The Spectrum looked far worse than it had when they'd escaped, far worse than he ever recalled seeing it in all the battles that had taken place within its ethereal borders, even during the Egyptian God Wars. Never had he seen it so broken, so desolate.

The vibrant, creative ether that had once filled the realm with so much light and beauty was choked with dark ether, the same oily substance Forneus recalled seeing spread over the Spectrum's outer layers as he and the others had watched from afar, gazing up at it in the skies over Geminus. How Reeves' power was still functioning after his death was a mystery to him, until he realized it was no longer Reeves' power that permeated the realm. It was Set's.

He scarcely heard Gwen's strangled gasp, too busy gaping at the ruination of the crystal walkways and bridges, the silvery pillar that pierced the centre of the platforms the only thing binding the structure to the realm's core. Though still intact, Forneus knew it wouldn't take much for the pillar to be wrenched free of its bearings.

Others began arriving among the detritus, Horus appearing a few feet away to stand next to Phenex.

"By the gods, I never would have believed it was this bad if I weren't seeing it for myself." Sandaled feet made barely any noise as he strode forward, whispering against the scuffed crystal of the Central Junction's main platform.

A single sweep of his gaze revealed to Forneus identical expressions of sorrow and dismay etched across the faces of the other operatives as they arrived, barely heeding the sparking portals that bore them as they took in the destruction of their home. Among their number, Forneus spotted Asclepius, Lyka, Rem, and Aquis on a platform below, with Lonali, Thesal, and a number of other familiar faces on the platform across from them, just in front of the council chamber door.

They didn't remain there for long before the door swung open, several figures filtering out. First Zeus, then Hera, Apollo, and Artemis, and from there, the rest of the council behind them. Ra was the last to leave the chamber, his orange gaze instantly flickering toward Horus, a wide, albeit tired smile lighting his face. Standing next to him were Isis and Osiris, the latter bearing a momentarily confused expression until his eyes—almost identical in colour to Ra's—sought out Horus for himself.

"My son." Even from this distance, Forneus could hear the catch in Osiris's throat, his dark, smoky complexion softening into a smile as he took in first Horus, then the rest of them. "We knew," he said, raising his voice, "we knew you would come. That you would somehow find a way."

"It's good to see you, father." Horus moved forward, bangles clanking with every uneven step, his voice a harsh whisper. "As it is to see you, mother. And grandfather. I have been away too long. Perhaps if I had been here, none of this—"

"No, do not heap the blame upon yourself," Ra interrupted, resting a trembling hand on Horus's shoulder. "I am glad you weren't here. Had you been, we probably would not find ourselves being rescued this day."

Forneus turned away from their displays of affection, noting that similar scenes were playing out across all of the remaining walkways. Still, as gratifying as it was to see the reunions occurring between all of those that had been separated, urgency prickled beneath his skin, forcing him to break the temporary spell of joy that had fallen over them.

"I apologize for interrupting," he called, turning so that his voice reached those above and below as well. "But right now, we need to start preparing for enemy attack. Our sources indicate that it won't be long before Set's forces track us to the Spectrum. If we have any hope of a proper reunion, we need to act now."

"And what if you're already too late?"

Forneus darted his gaze about, trying to locate the speaker, knowing full well who it was before he located him. There he was, perching on top of one of three remaining columns on the platform directly above, scarlet eyes bright and lips tilting in a smirk. "You look surprised, guardian. Don't tell me you actually thought we'd let you save your precious High Council masters that easily. I mean, come on, you didn't even cover your trail. Now that's just sloppy."

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