Chapter Thirty-One, Part Two

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Baiting the girl is far too easy.

This was the thought that went through Lucas's head as her blade arced through the air again and again, coming down first left, then right, before she attempted to skewer him with a forward thrust. Lucas dodged each strike with ease, though sadly the same could not be said for his coat. In attempting to draw her in close, he hesitated a fraction of a second too long before sidestepping, the sound of tearing cloth reaching his ears as a strip of grey fluttered down to the platform.

That wasn't important. What was important was that she'd fallen for it, and in her moment of transparent anger, he had her right where he wanted her. Lucas thrust his arm across her path before she could pass him, relishing the way her eyes widened first in surprise, then fear, as red energy jumped from the palm of his hand to her armour.

There was a moment of resistance when it seemed the chaotic ether wouldn't be able to breach the armour's defenses—but in the next, it cracked, the sound like a whip as both the girl and Lucas were thrown backward from each other.

The girl let out a strangled yelp as she skidded across the narrow strip of platform leading up to the council door, her back fetching up against it just as Lucas managed to stop himself from going over the edge. When he sat up, it was to see her stunned expression, eyes lowered to where the ether had impacted the armour covering her chest. Or at least, the armour that should have been there. Thanks to his attack, it was gone.

"So, how about it?" he asked, head cocked to one side. "Have you reconsidered my offer? Just give me the ether and I'll spare you."

"The hell you will," the girl ground out between clenched teeth, one hand pressed to where the armour had disintegrated. "If I give you the ether, what's to stop you from going back on your word and killing me afterward?"

"You insipid girl."

Despite his need for calm, for control, Lucas felt both slipping away, impatience thickening in his veins the closer he got to Gwilym.

To vengeance.

"When are you going to get it? This isn't about you—it never has been! You're nothing to me but a means to an end." He got to his feet with agonizing slowness, each step tentative, light. "All I want is the ether. All I want is...but that doesn't concern you. Do as I say now, for I won't make this offer again—and then you'll really be sorry you passed it up."

"I'll take my chances."

"Have it your way." Lucas lunged forward, crimson sparks lancing out from his fingertips to connect with the girl's armour once again, this time blasting away the section covering her right shoulder. Dark fabric poked through, wisps of smoke curling up from it where the ether had touched it.

The girl recoiled, pain contorting her face. In spite of this, she stood her ground, pale green eyes rising to meet his, the ethereal blade trembling between both hands. The armour sputtered, flickering between green and a sickly lavender. If this wasn't sufficient proof that the girl was tiring, then the sweat beading her brow certainly was. Breath puffed out of her, loud in Lucas's ears despite the distance between them. A short distance to the girl's left was the guardian, still doubled over in pain.

Perhaps this will be easier than I thought. A shame, though. I had hoped for a tougher fight. Oh well. As long as I can get to Gwilym, that's all that matters.

The girl chose that moment to attack, bolting forward with her arms held off to one side, as if the ethereal blade were a katana, and she a samurai. A battle cry rose from the back of her throat, the blade slicing vertically towards him to pass harmlessly through the air he had been occupying just seconds ago.

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