'Last Obstacles' & Confessions...

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"Telling the truth and accepting the one you love the way he is is what makes the bond stronger and maybe... Closer to be undefeated and unbroken?!"

Cora's pov

After about two hours locked in my room with Ivan we had to get ready and leave in order to meet with my whole family at the garden. 

My aunt is going to meet with Owen for the first time as I discussed a long ago with my aunt and my father.

For my big surprise they told me that yesterday night they talked and today they seemed to be very well with each other. It was a shock but I am very happy and my aunt asked from us to help her meet with my brother for the first time. Before they leave me alone to wait for Ivan some hours ago we decided to take Owen and find her at one of the pavilions at the garden and now here we go...

I am in front of everyone with Ivan and Cora in his arms and behind us is my father with Chloe and Owen between them. Rosana with Mischa, Natalie and Jose are waiting for us with my aunt and I am excited.

"Owen stop shaking, you are getting on my nerves!" Chloe scolds him while we are getting out of the palace's entrance.

I roll my eyes and turn to look at him. He is not only shaking, he is sweating too much and he looks like a five years old terrified boy.

"Owen what an Alpha you are?!  She is not going to eat you!" I say annoyed.

He sighs and stops walking looking all of us with puppy eyes. My father raises his eyes on the sky with a desperate expression and Chloe narrows her eyes to Owen. Ivan smirks and Cora giggles.

"Daddy is scared..." she whispers wickedly to Ivan and he nods.

"Cora sweetheart I am not afraid... I am just... " Owen tries to lie but pauses awkwardly.

"He is just ready to pass out. Chicken..." Chloe ends his phrase and grabs his arm dragging him towards the small pavilion in the end of the garden.

"I can't!" Owen yells trembling and tries to stop her.

"Owen she can see you. Don't be so pitiful." Ivan says pointing the pavilion.

I turn and look at it for some seconds and...

Yes, it is not that far and I can already see my aunt standing in the middle of it with the others sitting around a table. She looks worried and in tension, Owen is not helping her with his behavior either. I turn and look at Owen again. 

I can't believe this idiot is my brother, what a man he says he is?!

"Owen Bowman act like a mature man and stop this now or else I swear I will kick your ass and you won't be able to sit for one whole week!" I say through my teeth and walk to him.

"She won't like me..." he whispers panicked.

"Oh, shut up brother. She is your aunt, of course she is going to like you, in fact she already likes you!" I say and pull him in my arms and he sighs still shaking.

"She hates me for what I did, I am sure. I am ashamed, I can't look at her in the eyes." he says in a low voice's tone.

I am sorry for him. I know how much he loves our mother and that he really needs our aunt and grandpa's acceptance. He may be right but I know that our aunt wants to meet him and she really loves him. He is allowing his fear control him and I can't feel him in so much pain.

"She really wants to meet you Owen. Give yourself a chance, she is already giving you one. Don't hurt her more, please!"

He tightens his hold around me and sighs. He buries his face in my neck then and murmurs something.  I tap his back and he pulls back slowly with his eyes on the ground.

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