Anger And Pain!

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Where is anger, there is always pain underneath!

~cave, forest~

Cora's pov

I hit her on the rocks again and she screams even louder. This time I did it with more force than before but her pain is not touching me. In fact it happens the exact opposite thing, I feel great, her pain is exactly what I want!

I need it because she chose it and crossed the line, it was her choice and when someone is challenging my family is challenging me!

"You touched my niece, you signed your death wish!" I roar tightening my hold more around her neck still holding her up without her feet touching her ground.

She is turning pale the more seconds pass and I smirk pleased, extremely pleased!

I raise my other free hand and slap her with power making her scream in a much lower tone from the lack of oxygen. She is too weak, she is no fun... She won't be...

Damn it!


I begin smelling blood, most specifically her blood and she struggles with the less strength she has been left with. She is shaking, her eyes are wet from tears and she is trying not to look at me, she can't speak of course and I think it's time to 'soften' a little bit.

I don't want her dead yet!

I leave her suddenly when she is not expecting it and she falls on the ground violently. She doesn't land on her feet, she crashes down breathless and breaks into sobbing almost immediately.

I stay silent above her, my eyes are never leaving her trembling body and Cynthia smirks on the edges of roaring again. She is not so patient as you can imagine and I totally understand her. She is doing her best to stay under control because we need some answers from Anna first but also she knows she is not killing her today.

I mean... Killing her is way too easy, in this way I am going to put an end to her torture too soon and this is the last thing I want!

She has to learn and through her all the world must know that when it comes to my family I am not kind and show no mercy and understanding!

I take a deep breath when she starts moving in order to curl like a ball in front of my legs and kick her on her stomach! The very next second she falls down again, wraps her hands around her stomach and I kneel down.

I grab her from her covered with blood hair and lift her up so she can look at me in the eyes! She gasps panicked when our gazes meet each other's and I smile wickedly. I guess my bad side is a big surprise for everyone...


"Why did you do this? For whom are you working for?" I ask in such a low yet harsh tone that my words sound not as a question but mostly as a threat.

She fights to breathe and I decide to be patient for a while. I have to give her some time or else she is going to pass out on me and the last thing I want is to be a nurse in order to take some answers from her.

Some seconds pass in silence, nobody is moving and she seems to be a little bit better after she manages to take a proper breath. She moves slightly groaning and I raise my eyebrows running out of patience.

"I... I didn't want to... My mate forced me... He said he... Would leave me!" she whispers crying again and I roll my eyes getting angrier.

Of course, in every fucking story there is a mate, a pig, a monster!

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