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"No one says that every desicion is easy, especially when it comes to the past and the one you loved the most."

~too early, next morning, some kilometers away from the palace~

Cora's pov

"Dad are you sure that this is a good idea?" I ask again for about the tenth time in less than half an hour.

This time he doesn't say a thing, he just turns to me and raises his eyebrows in frustration.

Okay, he is right! I am acting like a child when I know he is right and he had the best idea!

I lower my head and he clears his throat with a thoughtful expression from what I can see. He sighs after some seconds and takes some deep breaths. I mimic him and I lift my head up immediately.

"They are coming!" I say and he nods.

"Yes, Kevin called them as I asked him to!" he murmurs and we start walking again to the valley's direction, the one I saw them for the first time with Rosana, Chloe, Cora and Ivan.

If you haven't understood until know for whom we are talking about let me solve the mystery!

We mean Caleb, Leo and Jose!

And I am sure you have lots of questions so allow me tell you everything you missed these few hours I was to my mother's grave with my dad!

So after lots of time of being silent he spoke up and asked me to talk about the note I showed him, about Miles' death.

He suggested me to talk to Caleb, Leo and Jose because they surely know something, I mean, they never told me how they found him, where or any other detail. They all blamed Darren but I still don't know a thing and they are the only that can help me solve this puzzle. I trust them, I know they love me and want the best for me so...

They are my only hope!

My dad only told me that I should tell Ivan, he has to know, he deserves it and I agree with him. I want to tell him but after a have a talk with them. I couldn't tell him last night because it was too much for me and...

I don't know. I guess that I don't want to add my problems on his shoulders, he loves me very much, we have a very special bon already and he shares my feeling and I don't want to worry him more. He is already in tension because of the competition, Noah and what happened yesterday with Natalie but I can't hide it from him.

This is too serious and I don't want to believe that the note was just someone's sick joke and also no one knows about my past. Only Noah's pack but they always loved me. I leave out of this my brother and father's pack because they have nothing to do with the whole thing.

So... If it's not Noah (because I have already thought of this possibility of him doing it on purpose to bring me closer to him) then I have no idea who is behind the note.

Anyway, what matters is that Ivan has to know but I will be strong in front of him in order to worry him the least I can.

I am lucky I have him, he is the one I always wanted and now I don't accept to lose him for any damn reason. We have already suffered a lot, we don't need more.

After some more minutes of walking we stop under the well known tree we had spent time with almost everyone and I sigh nervously. My father never takes his eyes from me but I know he is doing it because he is worried.

Another good thing, I have my father on my side and I feel more certain than ever. The fact that he took me to my mother's grave gave me a strength I have never felt again! His words will never get out of my head and this moment will be one of the most important of my life.

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