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"I just want him to live and be happy in the end!"

Cora's pov

"No! Please don't leave!" I cry out speeding up even more.

I am shaking, I have no idea how I am driving and how I am taking the right road to the palace. I feel like I am getting crazy, my head is killing me, my heart aches and the scent of blood makes me want to vomit.

I am so terrified, so dizzy!

What happened, how?

"Noah please!" I scream breathless and turn quickly to take a look of him.

I put him at the back seat, I don't know how I carried him and put him in the car, he is unconscious, he is not moving and he is bearably breathing, his heartbeat was so slow and weak that I didn't know if he was alive at first. He was bleeding, his chest had deep cuts from the glasses, his stomach had scratches and his shirt was soak and red from the blood but now...

It is ever worse and I don't know how I am going to make it till the palace but most importantly I don't know if he is going to make it.

I press the gas pedal more and grab my phone with my hands covered with his blood, I am a mess, my clothes are wet and my arms, hands and chest are worse than the other parts of my body.

I deal my brother's number and somehow manage to start the call while driving and take quick short looks of Noah through the mirror. I tied up his chest with a jacket I had in my car in order to decrease his bleeding but I am not sure if it works.

I wait for some seconds that feels like centuries and the moment he picks it up I sigh crying.

"Cora? What? Where are you, why are you crying?" he screams panicked immediately and I cry louder.

"Noah... He... The file..." I say trembling.

"CORA?" Ivan screams probably taking the phone from Owen.

"Ivan, his car exploded! I don't know what happened, he had gone to take the file." I manage to say.

"Where are you? I am coming, where..."

"I am close, I want the doctors ready, I don't know if he is still alive, please!" I rave and gasp breathless.

"Alright, listen to me Cora! Everything will be ready, calm down and try to hurry, don't think about anything else now. I will be waiting at the hospital's entrance with everyone, okay?" he says quickly making amends to seem calm and I groan in agreement.

I end the call before I get sure that he has nothing else to tell me and wipe the tears from my eyes taking one deep breath. I get concentrated on the load and Cynthia appears in my mind calmer that she was until now with a confident, self-collected dark expression.

"We can make it! We will save him, believe it!" she states through her teeth and I nod.

Yes, he can make it and so can I! He is strong, I know him and I also know that I won't let him die, no, I won't allow this to happen!

I have no idea what happened, it doesn't matter me this moment but the only thing for sure is that no matter what happened between us I won't let him die!

He was my mate, my other half once! He was the man I used to love even if he was killing me and most importantly he is the father of my son! I owe it to Miles, he wouldn't want his father dead although what happened between us and do you know what?

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