Emotions, Promises, Lessons.

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Death is something easy and she is a fighter, she refuses to die, she stays and fights!

~at the same time, Owen's pack, hospital~

Alena's pov

The intense pain in my chest in isn't allowing me to breathe or move.

It is difficult to keep my eyes open, the light is not so bright, but it is still annoying and I feel dizzy, my body feels too sore, more than ever and my heart...

It's like someone pulled it out of my body and chest and then put it inside again, it's a weird feeling I can't explain and I do my best to look at my chest that is covered with bandages.

I cough trying desperately to take even the shortest breath, because I feel like I am drowning and cry out immediately as the pain gets worse than before. I close my eyes, stop trying to move or breathe and I think I listen to many noises from machines. My smelling is gone, I can't feel Alia and I have no idea where I am although from the noises I guess I have to be at a hospital.

And I must be full of cables...


Not again...

I cough again as I run out of oxygen and open my eyes groaning. I have never felt so much physical pain, or this is what I think, I have forgotten how it feels like, I am used to the psychological one...

I look at the ceiling above me and try to remember what happened and why I am here, but everything is blank, I can recall nothing and the only thing I remember and I don't know why is...


Someone wanted to shoot him!

Fuck, not him!

I gasp panicked and do my best to sit up, but I can't. The pain exceeds every previous limit, so I grit my teeth and push myself the most I can, I mustn't stop!

What if something happened to him?

I must find him in any case!

I lift my hands even if it takes me too much energy I think I don't have anymore and grab the bed's railings on both sides. I make amends to sit up, but all I manage to do is to fall back gasping in despair and the noises get faster and louder than before.

I think I am dying, I was never before so weak and I hate it, this is pathetic!

Who am I?

"AUNT!" I think I listen to Owen screaming and I do my best to move again, but I can't.

I don't have the courage to even talk and soon more screams, shouts and noises sound and I narrow my eyes with my ears ringing. This is so damn frustrating!

What is happening out there?!

"ALENA!" more screams come from outside and before I realize what is happening, I listen to a loud bang and I snap my head on my right to see them.

"Aunt!" Owen screams first as he breaks inside the room with Chloe, Ronald, Sebastian, my father and a doctor behind them.

There are more after them, I mean Mischa, Rosana and Jose with Alan, but...

Where is Cora, Ivan and Caleb?

And what about Leo and even Noah?

Why are they all so panicked and pale?

"My child!" my father cries out and passes by everyone, pushes Sebastian out of his way and leaves Owen behind reaching me.

I think I have never seen him so worried, he is tired and devastated, he is stumbling and sweating and his eyes are shining from tears. He is crying and this is something new for me, no matter what we have been through till now, he has never cried and now...

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