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Lan Wangji - I love you.

 Hubbbyyyy <3 <3- Love you too ❤😍😍😍❤❤❤

Lan Wangji - Morning

Hubbbyyyy <3 <3 -❤❤morning I miss you. 

Hubbbyyyy <3 <3 lannn zhann this weekend lets go outttt, i want to watch this new movie with you 

Lan Wangji - okay. Miss you too, see you at school.

Lan Wangji - where are you?

Lan Wangji - Wei ying?

Hubby <3 <3 I'm sorry. 


Leg breaker - where are you it's 3 am and you're not home.

Wei wuxian I will break your legs

Where are you?

Is everything okay?


dumbass idiot- don't look for me. Sorry.


Inside The Jiang household a storm was brewing. A veturbulentant one, as Madam Yu was pacing in a rage around the house.

"If either of you find that idiot tell him, he better hope to find a new family. "

"My Lady!"

"Am I wrong? We feed him, care for him, educate him, you treat him as if he is your own son and what does he do?? He runs away and leaves a singular note. One note, JIANG FENGMIAN and it's  not even addressed to us. Always addressed to that Lan Boy, oh he's sorry, ABOUT WHAT??" 

"Mother I'm sure A-xian had a reason for doing what he did."

"OH HAD A reason did he??" " What possible reason could he have had, A-li stop crying for him"

Yanli wiped her red eyes, she was worried sick for her brother, he was bound to end up in trouble and she didn't understand why he didn't tell anyway why he was leaving. Jiang Cheng patted his sister on the back, he was torn between being angry at his brother and being worried about him.

"Mother.. you have to admit it's not like Wuxian to just up and leave" He said whilst avoiding his mother glare. 

"Wow, he abandons everyone and you still all believe in him. Well he certainly did a number on this family"


"A-cheng, go get the door" Jiang Fengmian states tiredly.

"Where is Wei Ying?"

Lan Zhan asked to a very unhappy Jiang Cheng who looked ready to launch a third world war.

"Nice to see you too Wangji" he stated sarcastically 

"That is something I'd love to ask you seeing as my brother just up and disappeared with barely a note. None of which is addressed to me or my family. All it fucking says is tell Lan Zhan I'm sorry. "

"Well, what happened now?  Huh, what dumbass misunderstanding is it this time?" Jiang Cheng folded his arms, he couldn't believe he was dealing with this. Right when it seemed that his brother had calmed down and settled, he pulls a disappearing act.

"You do not know where Wei ying is?" Lan Zhan asked in disbelief. He felt like he was going crazy, this was worse than those weeks after their miscommunications.

" No...  I haven't seen him for 3 days now. Yesterday I found that note. He's not replying to his phone. All he did was send a measly message that says don't look for me. As if that's a logical thing to send. "

"Did something happen at home?" Lan Zhan panicily inquired, he couldn't why Wei Ying would disappear... did he do something wrong. 

Jiang Cheng looked at Lan Zhan strangely expressive face and sighed "No, nothing. He was right as rain 3 days ago and suddenly I came back from school and he was gone, didn't show up for class either"

Lan Zhan nodded "...I will look for him and inform you if I find him. " He turned around and immediately reached for his phone.

"When you do find him tell him I want to break his fucking legs, for just up and leaving " Jiang Cheng yell out to Lan Zhan retreating back. (who he honestly respected for dealing with his brother bullshit for 2 years straight)

Lz: Please just tell me you're safe, I love you. ❤

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