Fuck this shit I'm out.

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"So you finally found him... in the middle of nowhere knocked up..."

Madam Yu turned to Jiang Fengmian and said, "Why must everything you bring in this house be a walking disaster. "

"Mother, there is more"

"oh MOREEE, oh thank god, THERE is more, goodie I thought it was going to be boring old simply knocked up, do tell what has Wuxian done now?"

"... I wouldn't exactly say him being pregnant triplets is exactly entirely his doing..."




Madam Yu was stunned... the kid getting pregnant well honestly she thought she raised him a bit smarter than that but apparently nope, it wasn't like a pregnancy hadn't crossed her mind at times. It wasn't exactly a secret that the boy was sexuay active (Wei Ying didn't say anything but she had seen that boy's neck not to mention that one time...oh lord after that she had slipped a book about safety and sex into his room), she had assumed they'd used protection. She had certainly given everyone in her family the talk. Since the boy was always ridiculously tied around Lan Wangji, she had fully expected an engagement once the Lan boy's uncle accepted it. That she would have forseen .. but... triplets.... at 19?? 

" I swear I just heard you say he's having triplets at age 19 and I must have misheard.."

"A-Xian is having what?" Jiang Fengmian also asked shocked

"You heard correctly mother, father... evidently our brother decided to um.. swiftly and efficiently organically grow himself a clan of Lans. His obsession with Lan Zhan was probably the cause of 3 mini Lan Zhans."  Jiang Cheng added for good measure. 

"and what does the Lan boy think of this?"

"Honestly he just seemed relieved to finally have Wei Ying back, he seemed oddly okay with triplets...it was amazing in a way, he just blinked and went en."

"My lady, we should have dinner with them, seeing as Wei Ying is probably going to live there now... and is ..entering the family is a very interesting manner"

"That kid is lucky his boyfriend's family are rich, and have their own business"

"They are? Since when"

"Since ancient china, didn't you guys know?"

"Not really, I mean I had slight suspicions but once I asked Wei Ying and he just laughed at me waved his hand and told me that I was being ridiculous...and went to talk to Lan Zhan on his brand new phone...which Lan Zhan bought him... oh my god my brother is a love struck idiot." Jiang Cheng slapped his face.

"A pregnant one"  Madam Yu added in slight disbelief at the whole situation. 


"Lan Zhan I am able to walk you know."  


"Lan ZHANNN " 

"Rest "

"....fine" Wei Ying pouted on a queen sized bed, in a room with a tv and literally anything Wei Ying could possibly want. Which in reality only really included having Lan Zhan around, and A-Yuan, it had only really been 3 days since he last saw the little sweetheart but he already missed him. Sniff sniff Ugh hormones.

"If you need anything the maid outside can help you. "

"I can fetch anything myself." He sulked. It had been less than a day of sitting and resting but he was bored. It didn't help that his Lan Zhan was busy making sure he had everything and less time just being with him in a humane connection. He knew that after four months of distance there was bound to be some, sniff akwardness and distance. I mean it made sense that he would be hesitant and keep Wei Ying at an arm length, emotionally, but it just hurt to be treated in that way..

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