Could have fooled me.

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It had been a long morning and Wei Wuxian was exhausted, he hated the hospital and the only bright side was waking up to his little A-Yuan and his cute angle baby faced self.  

"I'm fine, I really am."

"Wen Qing why do you look like you have to face the executor block, aren't the triplets fine?"

"The triplets are fine"

"So what's the problem then?"

"You're not fine"

"What do you mean I'm not fine I'm perfectly healthy. "

"Wei Ying" Lan Zhan said

"You might fool yourself, and that quack doctor but you can't fool me"

Wei Ying fell quiet.

"You have a condition known as preeclampsia" Lan Zhan grip tightened around Wei Ying's arm. 

"What does that mean"

"Haven't you had headaches?, you're unable to tolerate bright light, you struggle to urinate, and you have pain in your abdomen. You also rapidly bloated practically overnight."


"The protein in your urine is too high for comfort, not to mention your blood pressure never went down, which considering your prolonged rest after you left our place it should have. "

"What does this mean for Wei Ying?" Lan Zhan asked

"Well, if he was in his ninth or even eighth month I would have suggested induced early labour, as it is, it's way too early"

"I'm not inducing labour now, I'm not risking my babies" Wei Ying's voice broke as his hand shakily went to his rounded midriff. 

"I'm not, however this mean certain things need to change, and quickly it has already gone unnoticed for way too long, you're going to need to rest-"

"I am resting"

"Rest whilst lying on your left side, it will help your blood vessel"


"Furthermore, you're going to be seeing me wayy more from now on. I'll try to limit the visit to the hospital as much as I can for your sake and come visit you at your house but there's a limit to what I can do. Also way less salt in your food."

"I'm not sure there's any salt as it is, the Lan Clan's food is bland"

"WELL make it blander, can you do that."

"en" Lan Zhan nodded his heart feeling like lead. 

"Also you need to drink a lot more, I'm talking at least eight glasses of water"



"Also include more protein, but no junk food or fried food. "

"I don't take junk food,"


"Anything else?" Lan Zhan asked

"His feet must remain elevated several times during the day. " She turned her head to face Wei Ying "I know I said to rest but it also good to exercise regularly, nothing major a simple walk will do"

"Wuxian, I know this is a lot to take in, but you've caught this early on, I can prescribe some medication to help prevent it worsening"

"I need a minute to breathe"

 "Fair enough" she pressed a button onto her intercom "A-Ning, take Wei Ying for a breather"

Lan Zhan got up to help Wei Ying up, they were going to walk out when Wen Qing said "Actually Lan Wangji if I could keep you for a second"

Wen Qing is not amused.Where stories live. Discover now