You are my family

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Outside two people are sitting down on chairs, whilst two heads were peering through, one in disapproval and the other in worry.

"Is the child even Wangji's? Why would he run away if it was?"

"Uncle, I understand that your opinion of Wei Wuxian is rather low because of this, my feelings are conflicted as well, but he's always been rather besotted with Lan Zhan and vice versa."

"I'm aware that my fool of a nephew is bewitched with that boy"

"Uncle... Can you really deny that Wei Wuxian looks at brother like he hung the stars in sky just for him "

"Would it be too much of a exaggeration to state that Wangji hasn't. He's been at his hands and feet ever since that boy has entered his life. And how does Wei Wuxian repay him? By running away and causing unrest in a whole community... He's a bad influence" Lan Qiren stated upset at the way his nephew was treated. "Why can't this family have better taste in lovers, is that so much to ask"

Meanwhile Yanli was sitting with a very very very forced smile. She decided that she had heard enough, and stood up.

"Have you ever considered that mayphas speech like that that has somehow convinced my poor baby brother that he's an mishap in your nephew's life and it be better to run away. My poor brother must have been so scared finding out he's pregnant, he probably already thought he was a problem before he got pregnant, if how readily that speech leaves your tongue is anything to go by. A-Xian is the most caring, loving, selfless boy and the fact that he must have felt that way, that....that he thought his only option was to leave does not bode well with me Mister Lan. I understand that you care for your nephew but I will not allow you to bad talk my brother anymore than you already have. Especially since it seems we will be family from now on."

And with that she sat down and simply turn to continue talking to her brother who looked stunned, impressed and admiring his sister.

Lan Qiren was still angry but he was a man of virtue first and foremost".... I did not mean to cause harm..I apologize Miss Jiang"

"Apologize to my brother, not to me"

She simply stated.

Lan Xichen stood bemused never had he seen his uncle put in place so politely. I must make sure to never get on miss Jiang's bad side he thought to himself. Wangji if there is a future in-law you need to be careful of it is definitely her.


"You're to stay here for two more days, no complaining Wei Ying, lord knows i'm already tired to seeing your face and now with this fainting spell you're officially on the unstable side."

"Rest I'm serious"

"You make sure he rests. I don't want him working if you guys can afford it. He needs to be off his feet, if I have to see him more than once a week I will rip my hair out"

"I love you too Wen Qing"

"You better...if you rest, later on I'll bring by A-Yuan but you have to rest and no amount of harassing my brother will make him bring him so forget it"

"Yiss" Wei Wuxian smiled, he had starting missing the little tyke, since he was suppose to see him the day everyone appeared in the apartment and welll ... That didn't end well. His heart felt guilty as he looked at Lan Zhan.

With that Wen Qing left the room and sighed. It certainly has been a ride since the idiot showed up at her brother door 3 months ago.

"Who is A-Yuan?" Lan Zhan asked.

"Well, if you must know he is the cutest man, nice, sweet, polite ahaha Lan Zhan are you jealous?" Wei ying mused amused.


Wen Qing is not amused.Where stories live. Discover now